▴The Estelle Method▴

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make sure you have no distractions

play a song and imagine yourself and someone from your DR dancing to that song, hear the music, feel the other person while you're dancing, (yes it can be any song, even wap😂)

lay down in a comfortable starfish position, none of your limbs should be touching

●Keep your eyes closed and don't move the entire time

when the song ends, imagine the person from your DR leading you to a door

once you both go through the door there will be a completely white room and as you're walking through it, repeat affirmations

as you're walking it should almost feel like the floor has dropped out and you're falling (you'll feel tingling, ears ringing, typical shifting signs*)

suddenly nothing is white and all of your vision is black like you're closing your eyes and then once you smell or hear whatever you scripted would happen when you shifted, open your eyes

*-shifting signs are signs that you are close to shifting or during the day the signs will tell you you are getting close, see "▴Shifting Signs▴" for more info

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