▴Shifting Signs▴

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So basically you can experience signs while you're trying to shift and during the day. I'll start off with signs while you're shifting, these will tell you that you're close to shifting. Then we'll go on to signs during the day and those tell you that you are going to shift soon and you just have to keep trying. 

Signs that you are close to shifting (while attempting):

Seeing Lights: If you see flashes of white light (I sometimes see green or blue) it's a good sign and you just have to keep your eyes closed a little longer!!

Feeling the urge to itch or move: When attempting to shift, you may feel an urge to shift or to move but make sure you don't give in

Dizziness: If you're trying to shift and you start feeling dizzy, don't worry, it's good. Don't open your eyes!! Nobody really likes the feeling of being dizzy but in this case you're pretty much just going to have to get used to it. 

Body feeling "tingly":  As you get closer and closer, your body will start to feel like it's tingling, after you feel a lot of tingling you will probably start to feel like you're going numb

Feeling weightless/heavy: You can feel like you're floating, or you can feel like you're getting really heavy. Both are good signs, it can also switch between them (one second you feel weightless, the next feeling like you're sin king into your bed)

Signs that you're going to shift soon (during the day):

●Dreams relating to your DR

●Feeling discouraged and like you won't shift

●Randomly feeling like this reality isn't so bad

●Seeing angel numbers (1111, 222, 3333)

●Nausea (it shouldn't be too bad)

●Being more moody/sensitive

●Feeling tired even after long nights of sleep


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