Who Am I?

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Sometimes I'm lost. And the other, I'm sad. And zoning out into my own world, I'm okay? It feels right? But it shouldn't, because I have everything here. Two living parents. A house. Food to eat. Clothing to wear. Water to drink.

What do I really want? Nothing! That's what my mind said all the time. But my heart? How am I supposed to know what it says? I don't know exactly how I feel. They say trust someone, talk to them. Yeah, I tried. But they don't understand. I'm slowly giving up. 

They say try. I'm am trying. But for how long will I try? When nothing is changing. For how long will I be a burden? How long will I make their life's hell? I tried so hard. Trying to be a good person.

A good daughter.

Make them proud. But why can't I accomplish that? What is it so hard?

Why don't they ever notice how hard I seem to try?

Eunoia • Book OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant