Snow day-

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                                         キタワァ*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(n'∀')η゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* !!!!!

Shirou and Hiroki sat on the small wooden bench beside the cliff, watching as the small raindrops became ice and sank into the melting snow. "Ahh..I'm glad it's winter," Hiroki started a conversation. "Yea-" Suddenly, a cold breeze went by, making Shirou shiver. "Ah- you cold?" Hiroki asked

No responce. "Oh come on just admit your cold" Hiroki pouts, normally, Shirou never reveals any sort of embarrassment, or any sort of emotion to anyone. "If your cold, how about we go get some Takayami?" Hiroki loved Takayami, it was his favirote food to eat when it was cold.

"But first'' Hiroki began taking his warm and thick hoodie off, strapping it around his cold smaller lover. Shirou blushed, giving a gentle smile. "Actually..It dosent seem bad right now" Shirou leaned his head on Hiroki's shoulder. "YE LETS GOOOOOOOO '' Hiroki screamed, draggin the poor Shirou along with him.

Hiroki's eyes lit up, seeing the plate of Takayami in front of him, he grabbed one, eating it with steam coming out of his nose. Shirou took a Takayami bun, softly nibbling it (he's never tried it so hes seeing if he likes it). "Its actually...Taste good" He bit into the Takayami, it was still hot. Whispy and fading steam went out of Shirou's nose, it felt nice.

[After they finished the Takayami OvO]

They both went back outside, running around and making snowman's. Hiroki suddenly stopped. "We should go ice skating!" He jumped up, pointing at the ice cold lake infront of him. "I-Im bad at it though.." Shirou exclaimed, whispering so only Hiroki could hear him. "Ill teach you! Now come on!" He ran towards the frozen lake, asking the lady at the counter for some ice skates.

Hiroki leaped into the ice, sliding against its cold essence. "See! Isnt it fun Shirou" He slid around the lake, dancing with the air and the small snowflakes that dropped. Hiroki gripped his lover's waist, forcing him on the ice. "NO DAMN YOU!" He yelled, holding onto Hiroki's clothing, his eyes shut tightly. "Babe..Open your eyes!" Shirou peeked one eye open, seeing he was sliding across the ice with his love. "Its...Beautiful" A smile caressed over Shirou, he laughed as Hiroki lifted him up.

"SEE! You're having fun" The bright and long smile, could make Shirou die there. He was happy!


I gOt LaZy-

Das da end okay- bai.

                                          キタワァ*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(n'∀')η゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* !!!!!

i actually just realised  Takaymi is a bowl and not a type of food ;_;

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