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   キタワァ*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・o(≧o≦)o・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* !!!!!

Hiroki had to come home late today because of work, but Shirou had no clue. Once the clock reached 1:30, Shirou began to get a bit suspisious of what he may be doing. He paced around in circles beside the silent front door. "God what the hell is he doing.." He growled, looking at his phone to see no messages back from him.

Finally, it was 2:21 in the morning and the door began to slide open. Hiroki walked in peacefully hoping Shirou was sleeping, only to see him beside the doorway with his arms crossed and a frown on his face. "Where the fuck where you!" He yelled, punching the couch roughly, hearing the thud come from the couch. "Sorry..I had to work late this time" Hiroki sighed, walking towards Shirou only too see him walking backwards with every step he takes towards him. "This time? You have been working late for the last couple of days..!" Shirou curced under his breath. "Whats wrong-" Hiroki finally understood why he was mad and walking away from him.

"Y-You dont think im..cheating..D-Do you?" Hiroki's eyes immediately dropped, worry puddling up in his eyes. Shirou looked away, grunting. "Your sleeping on the couch." He stated, pointing towards the brand new couch Hiroki had brought a phew months ago.

"W-What..!?" Hiroki began shaking, trying to touch Shirou, soon being slapped in the hand harshly. "Deal with it fucking cheater" He Spat. Tears begged to pour out of Hiroki's worried eyes. Shirou walked towards his room, opening the door and slamming it shut once he walked inside.

Poor Hiroki was left there, trembling. Finally, the tears poured out, he started calling for his lovers name numerous times, he soon accepted he wasn't coming out of that room. Hiroki sat on the couch, curling up into a tight ball and crying, desperate to not make any noice. He layed himself on the couch, covering his eyes. Hiroki wasn't comfy at all, without Shirou he was nothing but a crying machine. He shuffled around, trying desperately to find a comfy, warm spot to sleep in.

Finding no comfy space, tears poured on the couch, wetting it and leaving a wet puddle stain substance.

He soon just cried himself to sleep, catching a cold soon after.

With Shirou unu

He opened his eyes, seeing he was cold even though he had his sheets on. He wasn't comfy either, The only option was to go see the 'cheater' out there. He tried to refuse but he needed a good sleep for work tomorrow. Soon, he started to regret thinking Hiroki would cheat on him, after all they have done together, why would he go doing that now? Shirou informed himself in his confused mind.

"I should apologise.." He groaned, not wanting the cold hard wood touching his soft feet. He sucked it up, walking towards the livingroom, opening the door and hearing loud creaks. Once he got through the door, he saw the slightly taller male on the couch, too far away to see if he was sleeping. He walked over to him, seeing dried and new tears all around his face, also seeing a stain in the couch, probably from the tears falling down.

Shirou felt guilty, he placed his hand on his cheek, trying to wipe the tears but more pushed there way through. Shirou noticed Hiroki had a cold, and he felt bad. Suddenly, Hiroki started twitching, his eyes glimpsing open. His eyes then shot up, pushing his 'ex-lover' away quickly. "W-What do you want!" He screamed, avoiding contact, he was embarressed. This time Shirou was in Hiroki's state from before and god he regretted it badly. "Please, Listen" Shirou demanded in a soft, quiet tone. "Go away!" Hiroki spat back, his stubborn side appearing.

"Please just listen to me!" Shirou tried to get Hiroki to listen. "No..if You think i cheated on you, why would i?! Just leave for crying out fucking loud!" Hiroki growled, slapping Shirou. Hiroki stared at his hand, the clear substance coming from his hurt eyes Dripping in his hand and sliding on the ground. Shirou helt his cheek, the impact of the slap hurting, but it wasn't the pain, it was the guilt in his heart. "Please..Im so sorry i blamed you for cheating. I was stupid to think that you would even try after all the times we spent together..So please forgive me"

Shirou pleaded for Hiroki's forgiveness, but Hiroki gave no response. "W-Why.." Is all that escape Hiroki's lips.

Shirou walked up to his hurt lover, sliding his hand on his neck, his free hand wiping the tears away. Hiroki's eyes were red and puffy from all the wiping the tears, it eventually began to sting a little. Shirou's heart stung, feeling Hiroki's sad, hurt and devistated aura, leaving behind a sad blissful feeling that washed sorrow over in his heart.

Hiroki eventually gave into Shirou's touch, he grabbed his waist, pulling him in his arms. Shirou's finger looped Hiroki's smooth and soft locks. Their noses brushed together and Hiroki stopped crying. He gripped Shirou's thighs, pulling them up. Shirou jumped, tying his legs around his lover.

"Promise me..Don't ever think that i would cheat on you..Their is nobody else more perfect for me..And i'd say im the luckiest man alive to have someone as fucking rare as you" Hiroki pecked his forehead, digging his face in his neck, his warm breaths tickling his neck. Shirou blushed madly well sinking into his touch. They sat on the couch, Shirou on Hiroki's lap as they both drifted into a deep sleep.

oYA! My fingers hurt. welP, gOoD bYe

キタワァ*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・o(≧o≦)o・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* !!!!!

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