16. Best of a bad situation

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"What are we going to do?" you asked, squeezing Spencers hand tightly.

"The bureau are sending us all to a safe house, in Cuba" Hotch replied looking over at entire team.

"Cuba?!" The entire team shouted in shock

"These hitmen are extremely smart and talented, staying here would not only be putting us in danger, but putting our families, and the people around us in danger" Hotch continued

"But what about our families? They're coming with us right?" JJ asked

"Not straight away, hopefully we won't be away for long, but if it looks as if we are then our families will be sent to us" Hotch explained

"But they'll be in danger!" JJ exclaimed

"The threat towards them doesn't seem to be imminent, unlike the threat towards us" Hotch replied tiredly.
"I understand this has become a shock to you all but I'm going to need your co-operation. Wheels up in 3 hours, pack clothes for warm weather"

"Guys this might be fun think of it like a vacation" Penelope added in optimistically, you smiled at her sympathetically and gratefully because oh how you were going to need her optimism.

Everyone went home, pack their suitcases and three hours later arrived on the jet, no one looked happy to be leaving Quantico. The flight was pretty short only 2 hours, which you spent reading with your head resting on Spencers lap.

Once you arrived in Havana you were given maximum security which made you feel like a celebrity trying to get away from paparazzi. They hurried you off the jet, checking around to make sure no one was watching, then they got you into the cars and drove you all to a massive mansion surrounded by big brick wall and iron gates, so that no one could look or get in but also no one could get out with out authorisation. The walls had plants climbing up them, which gave them some beauty.

When you got through the gates you saw the large garden, with the huge swimming pool and a tennis court, there was an outside lounge area, and a fire pit. In side the mansion was pretty amazing too, the kitchen was ginormous, they had flat screen TVs in every room, everything was voice activated, and there were literally hundreds of bedrooms to choose from. You and spencer took the bedroom furthest away from every other room for obvious reasons and the rest of the team picked the rooms they wanted, Derek choosing the room the furthest away from you just so that he could be completely sure that he wouldn't be able to hear anything.

The moment you dropped your bags on the floor, you looked towards the large emperor sized bed and fell face down on it, completely disregarding your stick.

"You ok baby?" Spencer asked softly coming to sit down next to you.

"I don't know. I feel like every time life starts going back to normal we get pushed back like 12 paces by something bad" you replied honestly, turning your head to look at him

"I know but think of it like another honeymoon or vacation, I think we'll had fun here" he said stroking your cheek.

"I love the optimism but in case you forgot I'm a little bit disabled, so I won't be able to play tennis like everyone else, in fact I may never be able to play tennis like everyone else because now I don't have a physio therapist to help me walk again" you pointed out grimly.

"I'll help you walk again, I might not be a professional but I've read enough books to know the basics"

You sighed and sat up "I guess"

After 20 minutes of relaxing you got into a red bikini and made your way down stairs with Spencer. Then you sat by the pool and carefully took your leg brace off.

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