Chapter 32

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I got home safely and parked my car outside. There were bags on each sides of my hands and I waddled carrying them inside, just as I thought the house was basically empty and it would be like that for the next couple of hours.

The clothes on my bed were sorted based on what I was most likely to wear, sweatpants and hoodies were at the top and some tighter and shorter pieces were at the bottom. I was halfway through packing up when I heard my phone ring, I reached over to see who it was and I saw Ally's name typed across the screen.

I answered the call, "bro i'm outside let me in" she panted in the phone..why did she sound so out of breath? "Ally are you okay?"I asked her gently as I rushed down the stairs to open the door for her but she didn't answer. Usually in movies when people display such actions they're either being followed or feel as if they're being followed.

For extra precautions I grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter and held it behind me, "I'm opening the door now okay?" I said hanging up the call. I tried to remain as calm as possible. If anything were to happen and the knife didn't prove to be useful my father had a gun safe tucked away in his closet, I stumbled upon it one day when I was looking for wrapping paper. I had asked him about it and he said it was for security purposes, he told me the code just incase I ever needed it.

I wasn't inexperienced around guns. My dad used to bring me to the shooting range often since I was smaller and growing into my teenage years.

I looked at the security monitor and Ally was pacing back on forth on the porch looking frantic and impatient.

I pushed the door open cautiously and her face immediately lit up when she saw me, she rushed inside and I closed the door behind her reinforcing it. "Dude what the fuck?" I asked her putting the knife down, "okay calm down jamal" she put her hands up and laughed

"What's funny?" I asked, my tone obviously giving off that I was annoyed. "Do you see yourself right now?, you were about to divide my three points" she laughed again. "If you didn't fucking scare me like that I wouldn't have gotten it" I defended my actions and walked past her to go back to my room.

"Seriously, what was up with that?" I asked her as she entered the room behind me. "What was up with what?" she seemed to be completely oblivious to the panic she just caused. "That whole fucking scene you just pulled on me Allyana" I stated clear enough for even a  person with hearing disabilities to understand. You simply don't scare people like that, even when I asked if she was okay she could've replied and said yes, that would've helped the situation a lot.

"Bro calm down I was just exhausted because I had to jog here" she stated and it didn't even blow the slightest bit of air on my steam. "Why the fuck would you jog here Ally?" I cursed at her once again but this time concern filled my tone. "My parents are at it again and my older brother took the car, the rest took their bikes or called their friends to pick them up. I wasn't going to go out with some immature men and all they were going to do was smoke and pose up with fake guns for snapchat anyway.

She paused and sat on my bed, "So I just decided to jog here, anything's better than being caught in crossfire" she finished, hopelessness clear in her tone. I understood Ally's situation and sympathized with her, nobody would want to stay in a house with their parents was probably one of the worst experiences of anyone's childhood hearing the harsh words that were hurdled towards each parent that you had a great amount of love and adoration for. Don't fight in front of your children, simple.

To get Ally's mind off of things I decided not to mention anything about her parents fighting, "you can stay the night" I told her even though I already knew she was going to anyway. She got up and hugged me, "thank you" she whispered in my ear and I tightened our embrace.

"Dude no way, you cheated that's not fair!" I shouted at Ally who was in a pool of laughter on my bed. We had been playing a game we basically made up, we were supposed to play some unknown music and the other person would have to guess the title. "Bro you know these songs i'm done playing" I playfully threw myself off of the bed and landed softly on the carpet, Ally was still laughing but then she stopped and I felt my bed vibrating.

"Rose, Jack is calling" she laughed even louder, "shut up" I rolled my eyes and pulled myself off the ground. I saw Aiden's name on the screen and he wanted to facetime??? I was in a thickass face mask that Ally concocted out of Avocados, coconut oil and Aloe Vera. I looked like a fucking swamp creature and to top it off I had my hair braided with clips which was another one of Ally's many ideas.

"Aren't you gonna answer" Ally mocked me knowing damn well I was having an internal battle right now, she laughed even more and a second vibration started "shit" she muttered and I looked over to see Jay also requesting to facetime Ally, this was my turn to laugh and boy did I.

I made sure she got the fullness and heartiness of my laugh. She rolled her eyes at me and I kept laughing, "If i answer then you have to answer" she made a proposal. "deal?"... "deal." we both answered at the same time looking like that one girl from the polar express. I cried internally as the call connected

"yooo" Aiden greeted me with a huge smile and I returned one, he didn't even mention how I looked. "Lani what's up with your hair?" he asked and I retracted my earlier statement. "Ally's idea" I said and he laughed knowing how playful Ally can be.

"So I was unpacking the things I got today and guess what I found?" he placed the phone down and looked around presumably looking for something? "what'd you find?" I asked inching a little closer to the phone so I could see. When he came back in the frame he had a black bag in his hand and I recognized the label..fuck no

"I figured I took the wrong bag since these don't belong to me" he pulled out a pair of lace underwear that I had picked up in Victoria's Secret while he was in another store. I covered my mouth in utter embarrassment and ally peeped over to see what was happening. "no fucking way" she whispered so soft only I could hear it then her mouth gaped as she looked at me feeling the second hand embarrassment.

"Put them backkk" I whined covering my face and he just laughed at me. "Bro don't worry, I won't do anything with them" he put his hands up playfully and put them back in the bag.

"but why is this one so....thin" he picked up a nude colored thong and I almost fainted right there. I swear my skin turned ghostly pale and I just froze, "oh wait noo, i'm so sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable..i'll give them back the next time I see you I promise" he tried to soften my embarrassment and it worked a bit, the tone of his voice was just so soothing.

We spoke for about an hour and a half, I brought the phone to the bathroom with me to wash my face mask off and he told me that we should do that together sometime which I thought was actually cute. After hours of nonstop flowing conversation I was getting really tired and Aiden realized when he asked me a question and my response was "I prefer my air light". I heard him laugh at my drowsy state before he said his goodbyes and I did the same, Ally was already tucked in so I hung up and crawled beside her.

All memories of today drifted into nothingness and soon enough I was asleep.

awww 59k reads, i love you all so much, i hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe. sending virtual hugs🥰💕

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