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   Throughout her shift Rafael had 3 more refills and played 2 games on his phone before it was time for her to head home for the night. He got up and stretched before heading to the door to hold it for her to walk out of.
"Mia please give me a chance to talk to you before you shut me out again. There is something important I need to tell you and I swear to you it has nothing to do with you becoming alpha of the pack."
"Rafael you've come to my door every morning for the last 2 weeks ranting the same hoping for me to listen. Why would now be any different?"
"I'm almost out of time. I need to get this out before that happens and I never get the chance to tell you."
"What do you mean 'almost out of time'? Rafael what is going on?"
"I only have a few more days before I have to return to the pack. When I return, they will send an enforcer to take my place to convince you to return. I need to tell you why I came first before I don't get the chance again. Please Mia just this one chance and I will leave without bothering you again."
   They walked in silence as he allowed her to process what he was asking of her. He silently prayed that telling her why he came would help his cause of getting her to come back to the pack. He was deep in thought when he realized that they were not headed to her apartment but rather heading for a grocery store. He blinked before looking down at her petite form in question. She shook her head before entering the store with him in tow.
   She grabbed a basket, heading towards the produce isle, and began browsing through grabbing a few things here and there. He followed silently waiting for her to finish grabbing things before she headed for the register to pay for her groceries. He grabbed a handful of bags and followed slightly behind her as she began walking back towards her apartment building.
"One chance Rafael. That is all I am giving you and so help me if you mention me going back even one time I will throw you out on your damn head. Do you understand?"
"Yes I understand. I just have one question though... What if part of my explanation involves it?"
"I suggest you leave it out unless I ask you to tell me."
   He nodded his agreement, hope clogging his throat, preventing a verbal answer. They made their way slowly to her apartment. He stood back as she unlocked the door waiting for her to change her mind and slam the door in his face. When she opened the door and stepped to the side, another burst of hope surged through his veins as he entered her apartment for the first time. As they made their way into the kitchen, she gestured to the kitchen chairs and then busied herself putting groceries where they belonged. Afterwards, she went to her single serve coffee pot to set it up to brew some coffee for them. He waited in silence for her to decide she was ready to hear what he had to tell her.
"So what is this 'oh so important' thing you have to tell me before you have to go back to the pack?"

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