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   Rafael was in disbelief that she had asked him to stay and he wasn't about to smack a gift horse in the mouth. She hadn't bought much but there was enough to put together a simple meal. He dug around until he found everything he needed to make a one pot pasta meal and set to work getting it ready. He put the pot on the stove adding in some diced onion, elbow noodles, 2 handfuls of shredded chicken, a jar of garden combo sauce, fresh garlic and 3 cups of water. He stirred the mix together, turning on the stove to begin cooking the mix. He leaned against the island sipping his coffee, thinking of the situation he was now in. He didn't think this would happen when he told her about the bonding and now he was not entirely sure what it was he was going to do. Was she going to change her mind after asking him to stay? He stirred his mix occasionally to prevent burning as it was getting closer to being done. Hearing Mia's soft foot steps coming towards him, he turned to greet her. His breath left his lungs in a big whooshing sound as he prayed the kitchen island was hiding his sudden arousal at what she had put on. She was wearing a tank top and a pair of boy shorts showing every curve and sway as she walked towards him. His eyes drifted down her body involuntarily as he noted that he could see her nipples peaking out from the fabric of her shirt, telling him that she wasn't wearing anything under her shirt. He groaned internally at the position he was in before jumping when sauce splattered his arm as the food began to overheat splattering sauce everywhere. He turned off the burner and moved the pot off it. He took the time to attempt to discreetly adjust himself to hide the prominent erection he was displaying. He grabbed the bowls he had found and scooped food into each one. He sprinkled shredded cheese over top each bowl before turning and placing them onto the island next to the silverware he had placed there and clearing his throat looking back up at her.
"It isn't much but it's edible and you didn't have to cook it."
"Thanks it smells delicious."
   She sat down at one of the bowls, picking up a fork and taking a tentative bite of the pasta mix sitting in front of her. She groaned as she chewed acknowledging the fact that for a man who just tossed stuff together it tasted amazing. Her mind wandered to what she had gotten herself into. Where was she going to put the behemoth to sleep? He wasn't going to fit on her poor excuse for a couch and she wouldn't sleep a wink if he was in her bed with her. Her only choice was to sleep on the couch and let him have her bed. What if he thought he was only welcome until after dinner? She was deep in thought when the deep rumble of his voice startled her back into reality.
"I know you asked me to stay but if your current facial expressions are anything to go by I can go back to where I'm staying instead."
"No I want you to stay. I was just trying to think of where to put you. My couch is too small and I just realized you don't have any clothes with you but what you are wearing."
"I'm not staying to far away. If you haven't changed your mind I can just run over and grab my stuff and come back. As for sleeping, if you have a blanket and pillow to spare I can just sleep on the floor."
"I will think of something while you grab your stuff. Just...don't take long ok? It has been awhile since I was around another wolf and it feels..good."
"Ok Mia. I will be quick 15 minutes tops to run over, grab my shit and get back."

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