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   His head snapped up at her quiet admission. "I don't know why I didn't tell you back then. It didn't seem like the right time to tell you I guess. I've been researching bonded pairs and the female can take years to feel the bond. As for what it means for me to be bonded to you I am not sure how to explain it. I know that since bonding to you I haven't so much as looked at another woman other than to speak to them when it was necessary."
   Mia inhaled sharply as the words began to sink in. He had waited to tell her, let her leave to make her own way in life knowing he was bonded to her and not telling her to sway her decision. There was so much about this man she didn't even realize.
"I need to know why you didn't tell me before I left the pack. You could have told me to sway my decision and you didn't and I need to know."
"I wanted you to feel the bond and not resent me for it. I wanted a bond to be like the others in our pack that I visited during my research. They all grew closer as their bond got stronger throughout the years together and I wanted that for us. That meant waiting for you to feel the bond on your own. It felt like the right thing to do and I know telling you now doesn't change anything but I had to tell you the truth. I will go now so you don't have to say anything. Thanks though, you know, for letting me say my peace before I had to go back."
   He stood up and began to walk to the door with his head hung. Mia ran scenarios through her head in rapid succession like a movie projector and picked one at random to go with. She jumped from her chair, knocking it over, and catapulted herself onto his back holding on tightly so she wouldn't fall on her ass. He stiffened at her suddenly attaching herself to him and slowly turned his head to peer at her in question.
"Please don't leave yet."
"Why do you want me to stay?"
"I don't know yet. I just don't want you to leave yet. Will you stay at least tonight?"
"If you really want that."
"Please stay."
   She felt the tension slowly drain from his shoulders. She slid slowly down to the floor, standing awkwardly after having just catapulting herself onto his back like a monkey.
"I'm um going to go change. I just picked up some stuff from the store,there isn't much but you can eat whatever if you are hungry."
"Take your time. I will make you some dinner as,you know, a thank you."
"Oh um ok. I am just going to go get myself normal then."
   He nodded to her as he began to investigate the contents if her kitchen. She went to her room and closed the door. She leaned up against it and tried to get her breathing under control. Grumbling to herself she went to her closet to look at her pajamas. What the hell was wrong with her anyway? She grabbed her favorite pair and went into the bathroom to change and brush her hair out. She peered at herself in the mirror beginning to feel sorry for Rafael. Who would want someone with so many curves? She ran her hand down her pajama shorts looking at the stretch marks on her thighs. An aroma caught her attention causing her to inhale deeply. What is that smell?

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