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   Morning sunlight lit the room waking her from her peaceful slumber. She felt a warm embrace holding her tightly against a heated body and the recollection of what happened the night prior flooded in. She opened her eyes to peer at Rafael's sleeping face. She couldn't help but smile at the child like peace he was enveloped in, lightly snoring in slumber.
   She stretched her aching muscles and attempted to sit up in bed. He tightened his grip on her in his sleep as she attempted to slip from his grip to go to the bathroom. She muttered to herself as she tried to pry herself from his hold only to be rewarded with a growl emanating from his throat. She sighed in exasperation and nudged him. His eyes opened slowly at her nudging. She couldn't help herself peering into his sleep ridden eyes as recognition began to flood his features. He looked up at her and then looked at her shoulder, color draining from his face.
" I didn't mean to mark you. I wanted to wait until you were ready and I didn't and I'm so sorry."
   She peered at him in question at his sudden outburst. She didn't know what he was talking about. She nudged him again and he let go of her so she could get up. She stood and walked awkwardly to the bathroom her muscles protesting the movement. She peered at herself in the mirror, her eyes dropping to the intricate tattoo like mark that now appeared on her shoulder where she remembered feeling the burning sensation the night before. She touched the mark reveling in the idea that he wanted her enough to mark her. The mark looked like a blue lotus flower with his canine marks in the middle. She smiled at herself before realizing she needed to pee and get back to him before he thought she was upset. She sat down on the toilet to do her business making another startling discovery that she had come into the bathroom completely naked infront of him without thinking about it. Her cheeks heated at the realization and contemplated what her options were. Well he has already seen it so she may as well just give up and go with it. She didn't need to get dressed up today it was her day off so she decided she would just put pajamas back on.
   After finishing up in the bathroom she made her way back out to peer at a very solemn looking Rafael. Her eyes drifted down to where she remembered biting him and smiled at the mark his shoulder now bore. How odd it was that his mark looked the same as hers, she figured he'd have a different mark than her. She smiled at the mark before bringing her eyes back up to meet his green eyes now looking rather confused. It was then she realized that she had already made a decision. She had to return to the pack even if she did not want to take on the role of alpha she wanted to be with Rafael and his place was with the pack. She didn't feel disappointed like she thought she would about leaving the life she worked hard to build. She walked over and climbed back into bed moving close to him to curl back up before looking into his unsure face.
"I've made my decision Rafael."
"What did you decide to do?"
"I'm coming back with you. I'm not taking on the alpha role. However my place is with you and your place is with the pack and I would never ask you to choose between the pack and me. I can't leave right away though I need to tie up my life here before I leave. Will they give you that time?"
"I will ask them later. For now I want nothing more than to lay here with my mate and revel in the idea that I am finally feeling whole."
   Everything else was forgotten as they lay in bed enjoying the comfortable silence. She wiggled down into the bed and felt the cold wetness touching her legs. She sat up and moved the covers, paling at the sheets before her face began to heat from embarrassment. Rafael sat up to see what she was looking at, paling at the blood and seed soaking the sheets.
"I..did I do that to you? Did I hurt you last night?"
"Um no not technically. I have never been with anyone until you. They didn't tell us that there would be so much the first time. We better change the sheets before we lay back down."
"You were an innocent? I should have been more gentle I should have controlled myself better. I am so sorry I will change the sheets, you should go soak you are probably sore."
"Calm down Rafael you didn't hurt me. I will go soak in the shower the sheets are on the top shelf of my closet. I will only be a little while."
   He nodded still looking pale at the admission of her innocence. She shook her head and went back to the bathroom to soak and think about the decision she made.

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