Regaining Control

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   It had been awhile since the attack on the pack and she had fully taken over as alpha. It was exhausting work even with the pack running smoothly, she just had not realized how much the alpha did. She went with the warriors to neutralize the threat posed by the alpha. In the end she had to come face to face with madness. They faced off on his territory, giving him the advantage.

   His wolf had red eyes and foam dripping from his mouth. He had descended so far into madness and greed that he no longer controlled his wolf side, letting his wolf take control even in human form. She had started out trying to reason with him, avoid blood shed when there should have been no need for it. He had launched himself at her before she could even finish her sentence. Her gift of speed had saved her from being bitten by the mad wolf as he lunged at her. They exchanged blow after blow as the pack members watched from around them. She did not know how much time had passed before she got the upper hand and dropped him to the ground. She was sitting on top of him, holding his head between her hands yelling for him to submit to her and accept his punishment or die. The next thing she knew her hands began to glow and emit a steady heat. The redness began to recede from his eyes slowly as the foam came to a stop. His eyes returned to a crystal blue color, a dazed look appearing in his eyes before he lost consciousness. A new alpha had been appointed to each pack that he had been ruling over and he was taken back to the holding cells where he was looked over by Doctor Brenden before being locked in the holding cell.

   He had not woken for several days causing her to worry that whatever had happened with her hands had done damage without meaning to. On the fourth day he had finally woken up, demanding to speak to the alpha to find why he was in a holding cell in a strange place. She approached his cell curiously as he had no trace of madness left around him.

"No offense but I asked to see the alpha not the luna of the pack so why are you here?"

"I am the alpha of this pack and the reason you are here. If it had been any other you would be dead and burned. I am Alpha Mia Helsbeth Thomas. You have been unconscious in my holding cells for 4 days after we fought in your territory after you killed another alpha and plotted to destroy my pack. Now you are here to answer for your sins against the werewolf race."

"That is impossible there has not been a female alpha in 100 years. I have not done these crimes I think I would remember doing such atrocities that you have stated. I have only had dealings with 2 packs and they both had male alphas. I want the real alpha in here to explain why I am in here!"

"I assure you that I am in fact the alpha. You not only committed the atrocities I have aforementioned but you also were involved in the plot to kidnap me before I could arrive in my territory. Do you deny these charges against you?"

"YES! I would never do such things! I was just starting to branch out to other packs in hopes of finding my mate after looking within my own for so long. In truth I was getting ready to step down until I could find my mate so that my wolf would settle down. Now I can not even feel my wolf side to tell you the truth. What have you done to my wolf side?"

"I do not know for sure what happened to you. I believe that you were not aware of what was happening. Based off of what witnesses and myself have seen we believe that your wolf took complete control of you. As for why you can not feel your wolf I believe it has been suppressed to allow you to resurface and take control of yourself again. For how long I do not know it has never happened before we have researched through everything we have to find out what happened and not even the original female alpha of this pack has ever brought someone back from madness. You will remain here until we can assess how big of a risk you would be for us to let you out. If we decide that you can leave the holding cells you will be monitored 24/7 365 days a year to monitor for your wolf trying to take back control of you. We will discuss further action after options have been decided on, for now you will remain here. Someone will be down with some food for you and a clean pair of clothing."

   His face had drained of color as she spoke to him. He nodded slowly to her to show that he had been listening to what she had to say before dropping himself onto the cot in his holding cell. She nodded back at him before turning and walking back out again. Hopefully Doctor Brenden would not be to angry with her for being late to her appointment. Her interview had taken longer than she thought it would, now she was 10 minutes late. She entered the doctor's office to see Doctor Brenden talking with the receptionist about something or other. He sighed and shook his head at her with a smile on his face. 

"How is our alpha doing today? Busy I assume as you are late for your appointment that you made. Come follow me I have your room set up for you."

"I am sorry I am late, our mad wolf has woken up with no memory of the events that have occurred and he was demanding to speak with me before I could leave the office to come here."

"Ah I see. Have a seat and tell me what brings you in to see me today?"

"I have been having some really painful cramping in my stomach and it makes me throw up when they start to get very bad. I was hoping you would know what was going on since wolves do not usually experience illness like this with our rapid healing and all that."

"Mia when was the first day of your last menstrual cycle?"

"Oh um.. I am not sure. Before... oh...oh hell.... Do you think?"

"Well there is an easy way to find out, come with me to radiology."

   She followed silently behind him down the hall, looking at the signs on the wall following each one that pointed towards radiology. When they reached where they were going he led her into a room that had an ultrasound machine. He motioned for her to lay down and lift her shirt up past her belly that seemed a little rounder than it used to. He put warmed jelly on her stomach and placed the probe against it rubbing it in the jelly before attempting to see anything. She was not sure what all he was seeing with the screen turned until he made an 'ah-hah' face and turned the screen towards her to see what he had found.

"Well Mia I do believe a congratulations are in order for you and Rafael."

   She peered in wonder at the screen displaying a small baby moving around. Boy was Rafael going to get a shock of a lifetime when she got home tonight. She left the doctor's office with a smile on her face and an ultrasound picture in hand to give to Rafael when he got home.

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