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   Mia explained what Charli had told her still trying to figure out how she never knew she wasn't human. She had been helping at her shop for years, never once sensing that she was more than human. They drove in silence for what felt like hours while Rafael processed everything that she had told him before he finally began to speak again.
"How would they have known that you were going to head back to the pack? The only ones who knew of your return in 2 weeks was you, me and the pack elders. I don't believe for a minute that any of the elders would want you captured before your return and I have wanted you by my side since before you left. I also believe that Charli would not have warned you if she was involved in any way. So who could have possibly figured out your return, having enough incentive to want your capture before you made it back to the pack? This makes no sense to me at all... Other than Charli, did you tell anyone else of your return home?"
"No, there was no one else to tell other than my landlord and I never got the chance to meet with him about leaving. Charli said she would take care of it she just wanted me to leave before they get the chance to execute their plan. Could someone have intercepted your communications with the elders?"
   He gave it thought before rolling down his window and chucking his phone out of it. She watched it bounce across the asphalt behind their vehicle. She peered at him in question as he continued driving. He looked over at her briefly before turning back to the road, giving her a slight shrug.
"You have a point. If someone has intercepted my communications they could be tracking us with the phone. If you have one toss it before we leave the town limits. They will hopefully think we are just going out on a date. At this point they would know we have mated so it would not be out of the ordinary for newly mated wolves to go out."
   She rolled down the window, flinging her phone out of it before rolling up the window again. She laced her fingers with his as they continued their journey from the town she had called home to where she grew up with her parents. Her thoughts began to wonder who could possibly not want her back. She was an only child, if she didn't return the alpha roll would fall to Rafael as the eldest child of the 2nd in command family. So who else could possibly benefit from her not returning? A thought occurred to her as her thoughts were processing themselves getting back into the mindset of a wolf.
"Is there another pack that would benefit from me not returning home?"
"What are you thinking?"
"I'm not sure yet. Tell me, is there a pack that would benefit if I did not return before my father took his place as an elder?"
   She could see the thoughts running through his head at her question. She could tell he was running through pack business in his head to think on anything that could possibly benefit anyone if she did not return. His mouth turned into a grim line as his thoughts seemed to register something.
"There is only 2 possible deals that could be affected by your return. Both were started a few months ago by 2 separate packs who approached your father. They are several hours away from the pack on separate sides with packs in between our territory and theirs. Your father was leery on making a deal with them before contacting the packs in between to verify that they had made a deal with them as well. Should you return and claim your rightful title it would be a hold on the deals until you were brought up to speed on pack matters. The deals would ultimately fall to you to make a final decision on. These packs may not respect a female alpha. It has not happened in a long time, the last time being roughly 100 years ago. The only other one documented was in our pack nearly 250 years ago. She was a powerful alpha, said to have unimaginable gifts given to her by the goddess herself. There has not been another with her gifts since. She would have been your great great great great grandmother and she foretold of a female alpha being born from her blood line that would once again carry the gifts she was given. It is a prophecy every pack within a 100 miles knows well. Maybe that could have something to do with it as well."
  She let his admissions roll around her thoughts as they finished the drive in silence. She must have dozed off while deep in her thoughts. She now stood in the middle of a field of flowers. She could smell their aroma, feel the slight breeze against her cheeks and hear the babbling of a creek nearby. A beautiful woman approached her wearing a flowing purple dress with gold trim. She smiled sweetly at her as she stopped in front of her.
"Mia you are as beautiful as I imagined you would be. It is time my lovely for you to take your rightful place and put our world back to rights. You will soon find out that not everything is as it appears. My time as come to pass the gifts onto you that the goddess herself bestowed to me. It will be your responsibility to use these gifts as they were intended for the good of our kind. I, Helsbeth Nicole Thomas, hereby relinquish my gifts to you, Mia Helsbeth Thomas, to take my rightful place in the afterlife looking after you from up above with our goddess."
   She placed her hand in the center of her chest, a warmth enveloping Mia as she felt a tingling spreading throughout her body. Her eyes began to droop as Helsbeth smiled warmly at her before disappearing in a purple glow. As she felt herself falling a voice sounded in her head. 'Have faith my youngling and look to the stars always for I will be there watching over you always. Let your instincts guide you Mia, you are destined for great things.'

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