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"I would rather explain when you are sitting down if you don't mind. What I need to say is big and I am not entirely sure how you will react."
   She snorted as the aroma of brewing coffee hit his nose. She pulled one cup out, replacing it with another and setting it up to brew another cup. She added 3 healthy looking scoops of cocoa powder into the freshly brewed cup of coffee, added a few splashes of creamer and then stirred. She put the cup to her lips and took a sip before a sigh left her throat. When the next cup was finished brewing she handed it to him with a spoon and creamer before sitting in the chair across from him. She waited for him to finish fixing his coffee the way he liked, taking a sip of the brew before nodding that she was ready to hear what he needed to say.
"Ok Rafael. I am sitting down, we have our coffee and fixed the way we want so what is so important?"
"I'm bonded to you Mia and have been for years. I went to your dad several years ago because I thought that I was losing my sanity when my thoughts hell even my dreams were filled with nothing but you. I didn't understand what was happening back then. He told me what it was that I was going through. He told me I had to tell you the truth when the time came and that you would need time to process. If I waited to long to tell you at least I've told you before I had to leave."
   He let it all explode out of him like a nuclear blast, afraid she wouldn't let him finish what he needed to get out. He ducked his head, staring down into his coffee cup, waiting for the explosion from her at his revelation.
   She sat in stunned silence staring at his downcast head. She had known there was something he hadn't been telling her but this was a lot bigger than she had thought it was. How had she not known that he had bonded to her? Thinking back, she saw the signs that he had been bonded to her. She had felt attraction towards him but at the time had just chalked it up to the fact that he had been in her life and his person in general was something most of the single wolves wanted. She studied what she could see of his usually confident face, partly blocked by his thick ebony hair, waiting for her to respond to the bomb he had just dropped into her lap. Did she really want to condemn this man to a life without his bonded mate? Was it even a possibility to live in such a way? She ran a frustrated hand across her face and through her hair. She sighed heavily, knowing full well she wouldn't let the man suffer without attempting to understand why he felt he needed to tell her this now.
"I don't understand what you mean by you having been bonded to me for years. Wouldn't I have known, felt something or anything? Why didn't you tell me when you found out?"

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