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Mia woke with a startled breath as the vehicle came to a stop. She could still feel the tingling throughout her body from her dream. Was it just a dream or did she really see what she saw? She put her hand on her chest where Helsbeth had placed her hand. She could feel the warmth still. She looked over to Rafael to see that he was looking at her curiously.
"We are home now, are you ok? You're very pale."
"Is there anything that says what gifts my relative had? I just had the strangest dream and I would like to research her."
"Yea um in the pack house library. There was a book that documented all past alphas and what their accomplishments were. If they documented her gifts anywhere it would be in that book. Can I ask you what your dream was about?"
"I want to research it first. I will tell you tonight. What time is it anyway?"
"About 1, do you want to eat lunch and greet the pack members first? You've been gone a long time. There are a lot of people waiting for your return."
"Oh... I mean I guess so. Not to many people though right?"
"I make no promises. They announced your return after we passed into our territory."
"Oh shit. Ok well I guess so. I want to get to my research before dinner though. Will you help me escape if need be?"
"Of course you know I will."
He kissed her knuckles before letting go of her hand for them to exit the vehicle. Suddenly, a large ruckus could be heard coming from inside the pack house before the door burst open and a flood of people came pouring out of the opening to greet them. She hadn't realized how many people would want to greet her. She smiled in greeting to all of the people, saying hi to others. Someone held their hand out to shake her hand. When she grabbed their hand to shake, it felt like she was ripped from her spot and tossed into another time. She could see fire, destruction and death around her. She peered at where she was and saw the pack lands. The pack house was to her left set ablaze with wolves attacking each other as the building collapsed in on itself. The person who's hand she had grabbed lay on the ground at her feet with cold lifeless eyes staring up at her. She felt herself begin to hyperventilate at the scenes playing out before her eyes not understanding what it was she was seeing. Was she going insane? She could hear yelling but couldn't ascertain where it was coming from. She felt the darkness closing in on her as she began to fall forward.
   Sounds began to filter in around her as she began to regain consciousness. She could hear the deep rumble of an upset sounding Rafael talking to someone who she could not understand. She let out a groan as their voices bounced around in her skull like a ping pong ball on steroids. She heard them asking her questions, the memory of what she saw blocked out their words. She slowly opened her eyes and peered at Rafael wanting to warn him before the creeping darkness took her again.

"War is coming and death is following."

The darkness took her as she saw Rafael's face pale as he looked to the other figure in the room before she went into the blissful dark.

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