Preventing a War

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   Mia stood so fast, her chair tipped over smacking hard against the floor, startling her. She looked at Rafael before turning and bolting out the door. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her without shifting towards her father's office. She could hear Rafael yelling behind her but she couldn't slow down, not now that she uncovered when the attack was going to happen. Her legs carried her faster than the wind towards the pack house. She burst through the door, not caring that it hit the wall as she continued up the stairs towards her father's office. She burst through the door, startling her father, who was sitting behind his desk reading something in front of him. 

"Mia what is the matter? Did something happen, where is Rafael? Calm down tell me what is wrong."

"I know when the attack is going to happen, the one I saw in my vision. I don't know why it never occurred to me before now to think back at what phase the moon was in during the vision until Rafael just thought of it I am don't even know anymore but it all makes sense now. It is going to happen the night that I am suppose to take over as alpha. The blood moon dad! We have to cancel it, we just have to I can't take over as alpha when someone is going to attack us. What if whatever we choose to do leads to that outcome?! How do we know that we are making the right choices to avoid catastrophe?"

"Mia Helsbeth Thomas sit down! You are talking a mile a minute and no one can understand what it is you are trying to tell us with you talking so fast. One thing is for sure panicking helps no one at this point so you take a minute to catch your breath before you start again. Now I heard that the attack happened on the blood moon in your vision is that correct?"

"Yes we can't move forward with the alpha ceremony dad we just can't!"

"Mia listen to me carefully and do not interrupt me when I say this to you. We will be having your ceremony regardless. One, it would be suspicious if we suddenly cancelled the ceremony if whoever is behind this is watching us. Two, we know that there is going to be an attack now. They do not know that we know as of yet unless you keep blasting your worries throughout the pack territory. Now this is what we are going to do, your ceremony is in a week. We will continue as planned with your dress fitting and what not and continue on with our daily routine. As you are maintaining the image of blissful ignorance we will be in here coming up with a security plan to prevent the events that lead to this massacre from happening. We WILL prevent this and we will do it based off what you saw and anything else we can see as compromising. Now that we know when they are going to strike we can figure out who they are. Do you have any descriptions of anyone you did not recognize as being apart of our pack?"

   She gave her dad a description of everyone in her vision she did not recognize. He had a concentrated look on his face before the color began to drain from it.  As he was getting ready to say something the door came flying back open. Rafael stood in the doorway panting heavily. Her dad motioned for him to have a seat before shakily taking a sip of his coffee before continuing with what he was going to say before Rafael had come flying into the office.

"Based off what you have just told me I believe I know who the threat is going to be. If it wasn't my own daughter telling me about the threat I would not believe it but it is undeniable. I believe we can prevent the catastrophe that you have seen. I was intending to invite the packs that are trying to get in dealings with us to your alpha ceremony so that you could meet them. I believe that Rafael may have been onto something when he brought up what happened before you returned to the pack. I believe that retracting our invitation would tip them off that we know something however we can not ignore the threat that they now pose to our pack. I believe we should bring our ally packs in on this. Mia do you recall seeing any of our ally packs in your vision?"

"I do not think so. There was so much chaos going on I don't remember everything that was going on but I don't believe so. We were out numbered so it is reasonable to assume that we had no back up at the time that I saw my vision. I think you are right dad I think we need to bring our trusted allies into this as our back up and be prepared for the chaos to unleash at the ceremony. Now that I can think straight, it makes sense. If we cancel it they will try another way and if we redact the invitations they will know that we have figured something out so the only course of action is to continue on like we do not know anything and be prepared for them to make their attack during the ceremony. Get our allies here as soon as possible and we will assign wolves to each of the other pack members that we know are coming from the packs in question. Hopefully we will be able to stop the war before it even gets started and we lose anyone. Ideally we can prevent all loss on both sides until we can find out what their motive for the attack is. If there is going to be loss I don't want it to be from our side. Do you have any ideas how we are going to plan our defense and offense for this yet?"

"Mia I think you came up with a perfect plan already we just have to iron the finer details for it. We get our allies over here in the next couple of days which would not seem suspicious with your ceremony coming up. We keep it to the ones we know for sure are on our side and we loop them in on what is going on. We then assign warriors to every member of the packs coming in that we do not trust with extra posted at the borders. I do not believe they will expect us to have a border control going on with you being named alpha. If they have reinforcements coming from the borders hopefully that will cut them off. I could not agree more with you about the loss. If we are going to have any it best be from their side and not ours. Rafael you are in charge of getting ahold of the other packs and getting them here within the next couple of days. Also getting the holding cells ready for visitors, we haven't used them in a long time so make sure they are in good shape and not run down and unable to hold anyone. Mia, your mother will be taking you to your dress fitting as scheduled and try not to let this stress you out we will handle this. For the love of everything fucking holy do not tell your mother about any of this! You two go home for now. Rafael you can start tomorrow when Mia and her mother are at her dress fitting. The pack seamstress has assured us she will handle everything for her dress at the fitting so that will give you a few hours to get stuff completed before you get side tracked with your hormones."

   Rafael's face turned cherry tomato red as he nodded his agreement to him. He grabbed her hand and let her slowly back to their shared home. It was now 7:00 PM and they were both feeling the effects of all the excitement that they had. They changed into sleeping clothes, laying in bed watching television until they both fell into a peaceful sleep.

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