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I managed to get about 4 hours of sleep after Daniel had left my room and then my sleep broke for no apparent reason.

It was roughly 5am and I was staring at my ceiling. I sighed at the peaceful sound of the morning birds and the beauty of the blueish sky that was still awaiting the sun rise.

Suddenly my creative side clicked in. Ideas upon idea for a book began flooding in. I opened my laptop and began typing away. I wrote for the fun of things. It was mainly because I always had so much ideas and fantasies in my head that I had to put it into a book.

About 3 years ago, I was explaining this weird dream I had to Abigail and she joked that I should write a book. Silly me didn't take it as a joke and actually managed to write a few chapters.

No one had ever read my works because like I said it was for fun. Although I was going to college to study literature. I was a book worm and so I quickly caught the liking of working for a publishing company. I liked other people's books but never thought I'd actually publish one of my own. Frankly I didn't have the confidence to let anyone read them and tell me what they thought.

Reading erotica romances became a hobby, and there was a few times where I found myself writing smut for fun in my free time.

I typed until the sun finally began coming up. I pushed away my curtain to see the orange peeping at the end of the horizon. The beauty brought tears to my eyes.

The last time I was awake so early was with my father. He and I would sit on the porch of the house, sipping on coffee as the sun came up. My heart ached, the house was gone and so was my father.

"I love you, dad," I whisper to the sky.

After wiping away my tears, I decided to do something I haven't done in...well ever. I decided that I should go for a run. No, there's nothing wrong with me.

I changed into sweatpants and a sports vest, tied on my running shoes and I was out but not before grabbing my earphones and my cellphone. Everyone was still asleep so I snuck out slowly. I hit shuffle on my playlist and began running.

Even though my heart was pounding out of my chest 3 minutes into the run it was still peaceful. I was as unfit as a big since the only exercise I do it walk to my room to the kitchen for food. Being in the Laughlin mansion even made that walk feel like a whole mile.

The last time I ran was just after my dad passed on. My dad was always into athletic stuff and being healthy so I used to join him every morning for his 2 mile run. I tried to run after he passed but it just never felt the same. Even today, even if it was nice feeling the wind in my hair, I unconsciously missed him. I always missed him.

I ran about half a mile before I felt that someone was following me. As tired as I was I wasn't planning on turning back or stopping. I increased my pace and headed for the turn at the end of the quiet road.

The person behind me increased speed as well and their footsteps became louder. Fuck me.

Rather late than never, the reminder that my phone was on me hit me. I opened my phone so quickly and tried to get to my contacts. My very dumbass focused more on that rather than running away and suddenly a hand wrapped around my hand turning me around harshly.

"Damn I didn't know your sexy legs could run that fast." Daniel.

"What the fuck Dan?" I hit his shoulder.

"Aw did I scare you Elizabeth?" he says laughing like a psyco.

I give him a you're-a-prick-dont-talk-to-me look without saying anything. He really terrified the crap out of me.

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