Chapter One; Midnight Check-In

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Misako ran through the wet, slippery stone streets. She checked over her shoulder frequently. Part of her knew she was far enough away, but she couldn't stop running. Her heart was pounding.

She read a worn down sign, reading something she couldn't make out, except for the word orphanage. She had to give it a try.

She went up to the door, and started knocking on it. She kept knocking until she felt no one would come. It seemed it would be so; until finally the heavy door creaked open, just slightly.

"What do you want!" A woman questioned.

"I'm in danger. Take my child, please."

"Ma'am, I can't do that."

"You're an orphanage!"

"We need an appointment and paperwork and official arrangements-"

"-Please ma'am! Please take my son. Please, please take him. I'm not in the place to care for him right now! I fear for his life..." Misako pleaded with the director of the orphanage, wiping the grey, damp strands of hair out of her face, and the tears from her eyes.

She didn't stop looking over her shoulder often.

The director looked out at the rain a couple more times before finally giving in, taking the sleeping child in her arms quickly. She held disappointment at the tip of her tongue, only giving Misako a slight look of judgement.

"Thank you." Misako gave the child a longing look. "His name is Lloyd. I'll be back someday, my love." With that, she pulled a heavy hood over her head, running out into the night.

The director went inside, Lloyd in arm, and closed the door. At this time of night, what was she to do? All the other children and careladies were asleep! And what was she to feed a baby, looking barely over one?

Seeing as he was sleeping, the director seemed it fit he slept the rest of the night. She would worry about other arrangements, in the morning.

She turned on her heel out of the room, heading towards the stairs. Her heels clanked on the ground on each step, the flickering of her candlelight lighting up the velvet carpet on the floor at the end of the stairs.

As she was walking, she heard a creak. She froze. She held the candle out in front of her.

"Who is out of bed?" She questioned sternly.

She didn't get a response. She sighed and continued on. She turned the corner, the light suddenly brightening up the face of a child standing against the wall, staring right at her.

The director jumped, stirring Lloyd, who whimpered and moved around before settling back asleep.

"Morro!" She raised her voice slightly above a whisper.

She took a deep breath. "What are you doing up and out of bed?"

Morro stayed silent for a few more seconds, looking at her. "What do you have, Mrs. Gineeve?"

"This is Lloyd. His mother just dropped him off."

"Oh. She didn't want him."

"Well...Come on Morro. You shouldn't be up at this hour. Let's go. Or you get double the chores in the morning."

Morro stepped back into the darkness before Mrs. Gineeve finally heard his footsteps run off to his room. She shook her head, still slightly disturbed by Morro, as usual. He had many...offsetting occurrences.

She then went to the bedroom with a spare child's bed, setting Lloyd on it and tucking him in with a light blanket. She left the room, blowing out the candle, and letting the night take its time.

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