Chapter Nine; The Fight

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A/N there are edits of past chapters in progress! Some things may seem random or speed written but I plan on coming back and editing the final thing once all the chapters are up

I also changed Lloyd and Morro's age difference of six years to four as of right now, I might make it three. I felt like six was too big to work well in this particular story

Past, next day of last chapter

"You blamed me." Lloyd scowled.

"What of it?" Morro folded his arms, causing Lloyd to kick him in the leg.

"You made me sleep in here for your stupid wants! Why did you even need that? And! Why not just own up to it!?" Lloyd demanded.

"Because I'm not a loser. Unlike you."

"Admitting your faults isn't losing."

"If you're a goody two shoes like you yeah."

"I'm not."

"You are too."

"Shut up! You don't even know what that means!" Lloyd shoved Morro.

Morro shoved him back, harder. "Don't shove me!"

"You don't shove me!"

"You literally did it first." Morro rolled his eyes.

"S-so." Lloyd looked away.

"You started it." Morro said cockily. "And I'm going to finish it."

"Just drop it!"

"After you get to move on me?"

"No, it's not like that-"

"Like what?" Morro grabbed the cuff of Lloyd's shirt, pulling him close to him, their faces almost touching.

"I'm sorry I shoved you! I take it back!" Lloyd cowered.

Morro growled, and roughly let go of Lloyd. He looked like he was going to say something, but changed his mind last second.

"What?" Lloyd knit his eyebrows.

"N-nothing." Morro gained a little color in his pale face, embarrassed at his stutter.

Lloyd was taken aback for a few seconds. He never heard Morro stutter. Nor blush. Morro was not the type to get flustered.

"No, what were you going to say?" He pried.

"I said, nothing."

"Uh huh." Lloyd obviously didn't believe him.

Morro looked fed up. He could be scary for a fourteen year old. Lloyd being ten didn't make Morro sway away from picking on him, even though he was in fact younger and smaller. Typically that would make a difference.

But it always was that way. Morro never took those things into consideration. He treated anyone how he wanted to. He didn't care how old they were. Or how big of an advantage he may have, usually often, being the older person in most circumstances.

"So why'd you take it?" Lloyd asked.

"None of your business."

"It is too! Tell me! Or I'll tell on you."

"Really?" Morro glared.

"It's just a stupid grandma button!"

"Shut up!" Morro then full on punched Lloyd in the face, drawing his arm back quickly and everything.

Lloyd didn't see it coming and his head snapped back. He quickly gained composure and stood his ground. "What the hell!"

Other kids had started to gather around, forming a circle around the two. "Fight! Fight!" They started chanting.

"No, don't fight! Someone get Mrs. Gineeve!" Others argued back.

Morro was looking at the ground when he started smirking.

"What are you laughing at?!" Lloyd cried.

Morro didn't respond.

"Well?" Lloyd nagged.

"You are such a bore."

"What does that have to do with me being-" Lloyd started, before Morro interrupted him by shoving a hand in his face, moving his thumb and other fingers up in down in a cup motion as one does when they mock someone talking.

"Oh, you!" Lloyd grumbled and lunged at Morro hitting his chest and shoulders and basically, wherever he could reach. His head only came up to the brink of Morro's shoulders.

Morro easily pushed him aside. The two held onto each other's arms, trying to push each other backwards. They ended up just pulling themselves to the ground, turning it into a floor match of kids wrestling; whoever got on top and stayed on top.

Morro had gotten on top of Lloyd when he seized the moment to, and pinned him to the ground, holding both Lloyd's arms above his head with one hand and his throat in the other.

Lloyd kicked and tried to get out of the hold but it was no use.

Mrs. Gineeve finally showed up in a hurry with some of the other kids who had gone to get her. She broke up the circle until she got to the middle of it and pulled Morro off Lloyd. He quickly got up and scrambled away from Morro.

"What is the meaning of this?" Mrs. Gineeve demanded, holding onto Morro's wrist.

"He started it." Morro's cold eyes met Lloyd's, whose gaze shifted to the floor.

"Lloyd? Is that true?"

"Yeah...but then I finished it. And he continued! I tried to drop it! He's just stupid!" Lloyd folded his arms.

"That's quite enough. All of you! To your rooms. Lloyd, go to the infirmary." Mrs. Gineeve sent them all off.

"Yes ma'am." Lloyd went.

"And Morro, to my office." Mrs. Gineeve said strictly.

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