Chapter Five; Offset

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Past; Early teens

From all the years he had been there, at the orphanage, Lloyd saw a dark change in Morro. He was silent as a child; a lurker. He watched everyone else and what they were doing. He only spoke when necessary.

His violent streak only got stronger. He picked on the other kids more and more. Lloyd was a target top on his list, but he picked on him in a different way. The attacks were emotionally and mentally focused more than calling him names.

Morro hung out in the shadows and corners of rooms for as long as Lloyd could remember. Almost as if he enjoyed spying on everyone else. Learning exactly what they do.

Lloyd hated it. He felt like he was always being watched. Chances are, he was being watched. He hated being alone one second to noticing a pair of eyes in the shadows in the next.

Something always The careladies, the director, Morro and his friends. The atmosphere. It was always gloomy. The lights were always dimmed. Curtains closed unless they were cleaning. Strict outside time restrictions.

Lloyd could barely name one person that didn't look like a vampire. Everyone was pale, with dark circles under their eyes. No one slept much, despite the early 8:30 bed time. Most kids got stuck up late in punishment or cleaning. Otherwise they'd just screw around and chose to stay up.

Come to think of it, how often did Lloyd see Morro sleep?

Had he ever?


Knowing that, he felt he had to investigate. That night, after everyone had been sent to bed, Lloyd laid there, waiting until the majority was asleep.

When the time came, he slowly swung his legs out of bed, softly stepping onto the ground. He tiptoed to the door, turning the knob slightly until it was all the way turned and pulled it open. He crept across the hallway until he got to Morro's bedroom.

He pressed his ear up to the door, listening for anyone who may be awake. He didn't hear anything. It must be clear.

The same he did to open his door he did for this one, peeking in, double checking that no one was awake.

'Maybe Morro is sort of normal after all." He thought.

He tiptoed over to Morro's bed, which was slightly lit up from the moonlight. There was a curtain not completely shut. Morro was laying on his back, his hair falling back, revealing a lot more of his face Lloyd had never seen.

He examined him. He looked a lot more average without his piercing eyes staring into people's souls. Bea, Ghoul, and Soul were all sleeping in their own beds, Ghoul even snoring as physical proof.

Suddenly, Morro's eyes shot open, and he grabbed Lloyd's wrist, sitting up. His dark hair fell in front of his face. Lloyd held back a scream, completely startled.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Morro hissed.

"U-uh- I- Uh-" Lloyd stuttered.

"You have 15 fucking seconds." Morro glared at Lloyd with sleepy, angry eyes. "To get back. In your own room. Or you're fucking dead."

"Eek!" Lloyd ran with light steps as fast as he could back to his room, almost slamming the door once he got back. His heart was pounding. He was terrified for the morning.

~Orphans~ {A Ninjago GreenWind Fanfiction} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt