Chapter Thirteen; Rumor of Return

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"Did you hear Sister Juna?" Kai asked Lloyd.

Kai was newer amongst the orphans. He had come in with his younger sister Nya. Their parents had both passed away.

"No, I didn't. Typical." Lloyd looked around. Everyone else seemed to have heard the rumors, whispering amongst each other and spreading the stories.

"I never met him but I heard this one kid is coming back! He was like. Crazy! I think he hit somebody."

Lloyd's eyes widened. "...You don't mean Morro...!?"

"That's the name!" Kai exclaimed.

Morro? He was coming...back?...

"For the record...I don't think he was crazy." Lloyd crossed his arms. "He was troubled."

"You knew him?" Kai leaned in.

"I was his designated bully target."

"Oh man!" Kai's eyes widened. "Are you nervous? If he comes back?"

"Uh...No. I'm curious, actually. How he's changed. It's been years. He's probably eighteen now!"

"They can send him back here as an eighteen year old?" Nya chimed in. She had been listening in secretively.

"Nya!" Kai scolded.

"I think they can if the child was in confinement and needs experience again with people before they are deemed safe for the real world." Lloyd explained. He overheard Mrs. Gineeve talking many times of this matter.

"Smart!" Nya exclaimed. She was 13, Lloyd being freshly 15. Kai was 16 and a 1/2.

Lloyd didn't know what to say. A part of him really wished that the rumors were true. But he knew also of the awkwardness it would cause. Did he want to live like he once had?

Surely the staff heard the rumors spreading. Were they not going to confirm? Why did they always need to be so secretive?

Lloyd spent the rest of the day eavesdropping as much as possible. Kai and Nya occasionally came to bug him, but they were letting him do his thing for the most part.

Everyone held their tongue asking. They didn't want to anger Mrs. Gineeve. She absolutely hated questions.

Around 8:30 that night, Lloyd heard loud chatter from downstairs. Then he heard the heavy front door close.

Someone had come in.

A/N changing Lloyd and Morro's age difference again for the story 👁👄👁 It just feels kinda off and keeps conflicting XD

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