Chapter Four; The Dream

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"Everybody hates you." Morro stared Lloyd right in the eyes.

"Shut up, Morro." Lloyd turned away.

"Never turn your back on your enemies." Morro reached an arm out, grabbing Lloyd's shoulder, causing him to turn back around quickly.

"Don't touch me! Go away, Morro!" Lloyd pulled away from Morro's hand.

"Why? Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." Morro smirked.

Lloyd couldn't help but look at Morro's pointy revealed tooth. He had teeth almost like a vampire's.

"Why do you always need to be such a...a..." Lloyd stuttered, trying to muster up the courage to call Morro a name.

"A what? Hm? An asshole?" Morro's smirk stayed.

"Yes! Just leave me alone for once!"

"I can't. Haven't been able to since you got here."

"You could easily not talk to me."

"I feel bad being like everybody else."

Lloyd felt a pang in his heart. Morro wasn't wrong. Nobody talked to him, not unless it was to make some sort of rude remark.

He decided to say nothing. He was good at staying quiet.

"Anyways, Floyd Gaymadon. I'll make you a little deal."

"What, Morro?" Lloyd felt kind of nervous.

"I'll leave you alone if you..."

"If I what?"

"Suck. My. Dick." Morro burst out laughing. The stifled laughter of his friends, hiding in another room, was obvious.

Lloyd walked off, the sound of laughter fading.








Suddenly the laughter turned into cries; the cries, turning to screams.

The screams sounded painful. One could feel the pain the voice was experiencing.

Lloyd ran back. But the hall was endless.

He kept running, and running, and running.

Finally he got to the stairwell; but no one was there. He peered over the side, seeing only the ground below.

Then he felt a shove, over the edge.



Lloyd gasped as he shot up from his pillow. He was panting and breathing hard.

It was just a nightmare.

He held a shaking hand out in front of him, staring at it, then rubbing his face, stressfully.

He needed to walk off his nerves, so he got out of bed and started stretching out a bit before going to the hall.

He was walking as normal, before suddenly he got a sharp pain in his head.

"Augh...!" He clutched his head.

The pain lasted seconds before he opened his eyes and saw blood, everywhere.

The body, in front of him.

"Oh my god!" Lloyd cried. He ran to the body, falling to his knees and pulling it to his lap, so he could see who it was and see if they were able to be saved.

The movement was too quick, and the body's head rolled over, revealing Morro to be the identity.

His face was pale and lifeless. His skin was cold. His lips were drained of any color, also. And his eyes...Lloyd couldn't get the image out of his head. Those once emerald green eyes were now a pale, lifeless grey. Completely void of emotion or soul.

They then started forming crimson tears of blood, starting slow before completely pouring out of both eyes. Lloyd screamed, pushing Morro's body away.

The blood kept coming, starting to come from his nose and mouth as well.

Lloyd fainted.

When he awoke; he realized only that he had

A dream.

A dream within a dream.

It was all just one big nightmare.

~Orphans~ {A Ninjago GreenWind Fanfiction} Where stories live. Discover now