Chapter Six; Bad morning

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Past; Day after/Morning of previous chapter

Lloyd didn't sleep much that night. He was scared he'd wake up to Morro standing over him, or worse, not wake up at all.

Eventually he did fall into a light sleep. He kept having dreams of scenarios of what was in store for him. Each one was vividly different.

Morning rolled around and Lloyd miserably sat up. His heartbeat sped up only seconds after. He was...more than anxious. Everyone else in that room was still asleep. It must have been fairly early yet.

'Should I hide?' He thought to himself.

'Maybe he was bluffing.'

'He was just half asleep and tired, you woke him up.'

'Well then of course he'll want to kill you!' Lloyd's thoughts and doubts argued back and forth.

'Man up!' Lloyd scolded himself. 'Just stand up to him.'

Right. Stand up to Morro. He had no chance! He had no one to back him up. Morro had three.

The most Lloyd could do right now was await his fate. Of course he was praying deep down inside nothing would happen.

'Why'd I have to do that?' Lloyd scolded himself.

'Because you're an idiot!' He thought.

Maybe an hour after this, others had gotten up and left the room. Eventually it was just Lloyd, who had taken a seat at the desk to work on some writing assignments. It was something to distract his mind.

He didn't hear the door open. The hinges squeaked every time the door was opened; unless you knew how to position it to silence the creak. He was abnormally focused; he didn't even sense the person coming up behind him.

All of a sudden, Lloyd felt a sharp grasp and pull of the back of his hair, shoving his head back, forcing him to look back at the culprit. As expected, it was one and only Morro.

He yanked Lloyd's head forward again and down onto the desk. He slammed his other hand down on the desktop.

"Tell me what you were doing last night. Now! What the hell were you doing?!" Morro demanded.

"N-nothing!" Lloyd responded.


"I was just standing there, I literally didn't do anything!"

"What were you going to do? Before I woke up? Huh? Rape me? Kill me? Stalk me?" Morro's scowl turned into a crazed grin. "Ahhhh...! You don' don't like me...! Do you Lloyd? Are you really just a fa-" He froze.

Lloyd was trembling.

Morro burst out laughing, a psychotic break out. He slammed the desktop again, "Boo!"

Lloyd flinched. "Stop!"

"You're so boring, Floyd." Morro kept laughing. "I should teach you a lesson."

"I won't do it again!"

"Yeah? Everybody knows not to go in my room. They don't make that mistake. I really do wonder what was going through your tiny brain."

"I-I just wanted..."

"Wanted what??"

"To see if you slept!! Okay!?"

"You're so fucking weird! Why do you care!? Oh my god!"

Lloyd turned his head enough to be able to glance at Morro from the corner of his eye. He had a dark look in his eyes. Morro caught his eye, their gazes meeting, not breaking contact for a few seconds.

Lloyd felt Morro's grip loosen a little on his hair, before quickly tensing up again. "Say hi to the sky for me." Before Lloyd could process what was happening, Morro pulled Lloyd's head back again and slammed it forward into the desk, causing him to instantly black out.

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