Chapter Seventeen; Purple

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"How you can just get me in is kind of confusing." Lloyd squinted.

Morro smirked. "Why? I can hire in whoever I want."

"But how? What about the manager?"

"The manager."

"Yes, the manager!"

Morro started laughing.

"What's so funny?!" Lloyd asked.

"Oh Lloyd, little dense are we?"

"Apparently. What am I missing?"

"I am the manager."

Lloyd's jaw dropped to the floor. Morro was still smirking. He tricked him!

"Wow." Lloyd was speechless. "How did that happen?"

"I came and worked here. The manager died. Promoted me. All that. I was the best worker." He bragged.

"Woah. How did you know what to do?"

"Manager training program."

"Ahhh, gotcha."

"Well, Lloyd, I expect you to be here Tuesdays from 9-4, Wednesdays from 7-2, and Sundays are whatever the fuck you want, depends on how much money you want to be making. The others love it when new hires pick up their shifts."

"Actually. Can-Can I...Start today?" Lloyd asked.

"Ambitious, are we?" Morro had a sloppy grin on his face.

"I don't have anything else to do."

"Fine. Training starts right now. Get a fuckin' smock."

Later on that day

Lloyd had finished basic training and Morro left him alone to do some things on his own. Currently he was working on putting out fresh produce.

"What is this?" Lloyd muttered, looking at the box of eggplants. He stared at the strange looking box of purple produce. Was this even a fruit or vegetable? Which one? He groaned. He felt too stupid to ask someone. It was embarrassing!

From the looks of it, he didn't have a choice. He grumbled to himself while he went to find Morro. He waved him down once he saw him on the other side of the store. Morro came over.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I can't find where something goes..."

"What is it?"

"That's where I'm stuck." Lloyd admitted.

"Show me." Morro followed Lloyd.

Lloyd brought them to the produce and box of eggplants.

"Ohh, those. Those are eggplants." Morro informed him.


"Ya know..." Morro winked.


"It's a dick, Lloyd."

Lloyd blinked. Morro facepalmed. He pointed to where they went, and turned on his heel.

"Idiot!" Lloyd cursed himself. He put the eggplants away. Then he moved on to the next fruits and veggies.

~Orphans~ {A Ninjago GreenWind Fanfiction} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt