Chapter 30

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She had woken up a while ago and noticed that Dipper was already awake. Mabel didn't bother him, but instead went downstairs. Grunkle Stan was in the kitchen, and Grunkle Ford was probably in the basement. Soos, Melody and their baby went on vacation to Hawaii. But, she was more curious if anyone else had that nightmare about Bill and Weirdmaggeddon. It was strange, why would she be having nightmares about it if it ended a year ago? Bill was gone, so... why? She didn't know, she partly didn't care as she sat down at the table. Before much longer Dipper also came down the stairs. He looked horrible. There was dark bags under his eyes and he kept glancing at the front door and behind his shoulder. She raised an eyebrow at him as he came over and sat down at the table. He looked over to her.
"Why are you staring at me Mabel?" He asked, though his question ended with a yawn.
"Why are you so tired?" She asked him. He stared at her in surprise. Mabel sighed and didn't bother him anymore, though normally she would bug him constantly until he told her, but she figured that he'd be better off if she didn't. Not long after Grunkle Stan came in and each gave them a plate of pancakes.
"Here you go kids," he said. Her and Dipper murmured a quick 'thanks' and dug into their breakfast.
Once they had finished their breakfast they got up and laid their dishes in the sink. The two of them walked over to the couch at sat down. Just as they were about to turn on the TV, there was a knock on the front door. Dipper jumped up in the air, like, five feet, and ran over to the front door, opening the door as quick as possible. In came a familiar female. Mabel's eyes widened as she recognized that it was Shadow Pierce. Shadow said something to Dipper, which he then nodded and headed outside with her, closing the door behind. Mabel blinked, confused. What had happened?

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