Chapter 23

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Valentines day is a 3 days away and you still have no clue as to what to get jon. so you take kayden and head out to the mall. You end up going into victorias secret and buying  a little something for valentines day night lol. but for jon you get him a plattinum watch with kaydens birthday engraved in the back with 'forever and always' too.  he will love it. and a brand new pair of jordans that youll make him wear on one of his days off.  You also end up getting a gift from victorias secret for chau. A little something for always being able to watch kayden when you and jon go out. 

You decide to go home but half way there you notice a black mustang following you taking every turn you take you cant see who is driving the car. your glad when you reach your gate the car drives slowly by. you get out of the car and notice a package on your front door, you call jon up.

'did you order something'

'no why'

'because theres a package on our front door'

'what dont touch it till i get there okay do you understand'

'yes  i do'

'okay ill be there shortly'

You park the car in the garage and head in to the house through the garage door. you go and put kayden in his little exaucer so he can play for a bit. you can hear jon race up the drive way you hear 3 doors open and close then he comes in the front door. 

'hey' you say looking at him walking in carrying the box he sets it on the table in the kitchen. andrew and corey walk in. 

'hey babe' 

'whats that' andrew asks

'thats what im going to find out' jon says as he opens the box you look in it.

'what the' you say pulling out pictures of you sleeping and jon sleeping and kayden sleeping theres some with someones hand on kayden and someone touching your face theres also some pictures of your car and his car and you with the girls and jon at practice theres some with a gun pointed at jon in his sleep. theres also some of your stuff clothes everything.

'what the fuck' jon yells

'jon..' you manage to say as you stare at the picture of jon and the gun 

'how the hell did he get in how the fuck'

'damn man you need to call the cops and just stay some where else' corey says

'yeah man you guys can stay with me and chau' shaw says

'thanks guys but im not bringing you into this'

'dude were already in this hes messing with our captain no one is gettinga way with that'

You decide to walk away and go into your room where yo sit on your bed and just weep staring at the picture of jon. Thats it you have to leave him you have to get away from him he cant get hurt not because of you. You lock the door to your room and go into your closet you take out your big black suitcase and start packing some of your clothes in there. when your done you go into kaydens room and pack him a bag and set it next to your. you hear shaw and corey leave.

'stacy' jon yells as hes coming up the stairs. he finds you in the room packing up some of your make up "what are you doing?" 

"im leaving jon i have to go i cant live like this anymore'

'like what, feeling loved'

'no jon constantly having to worry about you and kayden im just going to go he doesnt want me near you so im going'

'your just going to give him what he wants!'

'if it keeps you safe i dont care anymore jon'

'stace dont do this' he begs as you zip up your last bag 'you cant leave me like this'

'i have to jon i just cant let anything happen to you'

'it wont'

'jon you saw the pictures look how close he got to you' you hand him the picture 'he could have killed you jon i am not talking that risk anymore so im going to go im sorry'

'dont leave me' he begs you walking closer you hold up your hand

'dont make this harder on me'

'then dont leave me stace'

'i have to jon im sorry' you move towards him and take his hand you place your engagement ring on his palm and close his hand

'whats this'

'i think you know what it is, i have to go jon'

'dont' he says following you downstairs he follows you towards the garage where you load up your bags and walk back in to get kayden 'i love you'

'i love you jon,  which is why im doing this jon i love you so much i just cant let you get hurt'

'i wont'

'jon stop its done ive decided on this so please let me do that'

'i cant let you leave me' he tells you as you put kayden in his seat and start heading to the door. 'i cant let you and my son leave me i just cant'

'jon you will see him you can see him whenever you want but i just cant be with you hes crazy and he will kill you jon he will hurt you and do you know how bad i would feel knowing that he hurt you because you loved me.'


'i gotta go' you put kayden in the back and get in the front 

'no' he says holding the door open.

'jon let me go'

'i cant'

'you have to im sorry maybe this was never ment to be i guess i was never ment to be happy'

'you are ment to be happy with me and our son'

'not with jake around im sorry jon but i gotta go' you start driving a little and he has to let the door go you close it and drive away you look at him outta your mirror and you cant hold back the tears anymmore.

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