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I still can't believe that I have known Y/n ever since both of us were still young.

''Wait, you're telling me that we became friends a week before I started training?'' I asked her, and she smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

''At least that's what they told me.'' she answered and looked towards my parents, who were preparing lunch for everyone.


I was walking around the beach when I saw a girl maybe a year younger than me sitting on the sand.

I approached her and sat beside her. I looked at her and saw how beautiful she was.

''Take a picture; it'll last longer." She suddenly spoke and chuckled.

''Y/n's the name of the art piece you're staring at. If you're interested, call here.'' She said and gave me a card before standing up and walking away. I smiled and watched the sunsets.

After that, we started hanging out, but somebody called me for the training, so we sadly had to part ways.


''I remember now. You were so humble that time.'' I sarcastically said, making her laugh.

''Thank you, I received that a lot up until now." She playfully said, making me smile.

''So you're the one my family have been talking about.'' I told her.

''Good things, I hope." she said. I giggled and nodded my head.

''They said you've been visiting them yearly, giving them gifts like your parents.'' I replied. She smiled and nodded.

''It became a thing, I guess.'' she said before standing up as my parents called us so we could eat lunch already.

We all sat down as my parents served us the food; we said our thankfulness for the food before eating.

''So Y/n, how's the company?'' my dad asked. Y/n chewed her food first before answering,

''Everything's fine, not the best, but I can work it out.'' she answered and smiled.

''Good to know you're handling everything well.'' Dad said and smiled back.

''Of course, I learned from the best." She said, making all of us laugh.

We continued eating while conversing and enjoying each other's company. After an hour, Y/n and I were on our way to the mall, and she said she needed to get a massage and spa as her whole body was stiff because of work, and she said I should relax too, that's why I'm here.

''Here.'' She gave me a mask as soon as we arrived at the mall.

Both of us wore a mask before exiting her van. She took my hand and pulled me closer to her.

We entered the mall and went to the shop of a famous massage therapist here, and they immediately assisted us to one of the rooms.

We changed our clothes before lying on our stomachs; one of the staff started doing their thing while we enjoyed this relaxing moment.

''It's been a long time since I got a body massage.'' Y/n spoke, and the therapist chuckled.

''Yeah, I can tell. Your body's so stiff.'' The therapist replied, making Y/n laugh.

''I was so busy I didn't have time.'' Y/n debated while laughing.

''You should take care of yourself more. You deserve some relaxation like this.'' I told her while the therapist laughed.

''She's right. You've been working hard; listen to your girlfriend.'' The therapist said. I heard a satisfied groan from Y/n, making me smile.

''I'll keep that in mind.'' Y/n said and chuckled.

''You have to go back to the studio tomorrow, right?'' She asked me, and I hummed in response.

''How about you?'' I asked her. She was about to answer but was cut off when we were asked to sit at one of the chairs for the foot spa.

After an hour and a half, we're now waiting for our food to arrive. We decided to eat dinner here at the mall because we're going to go shopping after this.

I heard my phone ring, so I checked it only to see the girls wanted to FaceTime. I answered it, and we greeted each other.

''Unnie, are you outside?'' Lisa asked me. I smiled and nodded my head.

''Guess who I'm with right now.'' I told them, and they started saying names making Y/n chuckle, and the girls stopped.

''Yah! They were supposed to guess.'' I told Y/n, who smiled at me.

''Are you with Y/n?'' Jennie asked, shocked, and I nodded my head.

I rotated the camera so they can now see Y/n who's cutting the meat that we ordered that just arrived,

''Say hi, honey.'' I told Y/n, who just looked at the camera before smiling and continued cutting the meat for me.

I rotated the camera again and looked at the girls to see them shocked. I giggled at them and told them we could talk about it tomorrow, and we all bid farewell.

''Here.'' Y/n placed the plate with the sliced meat in front of me.

''Thank you.'' I told her and smiled before we started eating.

''You're eating well." She said while watching me eat. I danced a little because the food made her chuckle.

''You should always eat a lot so you'll be healthy." She said while feeding me the dumpling soup she ordered.

''If you cook again for us, I'll eat a lot." I joked. She nodded and chuckled.

''For sure, I'll cook you girls some delicious and healthy foods." She answered.

''But we're gonna get fat if you keep feeding us a lot.'' I told her; she shook her head,

''It's fine. You'll still look beautiful anyways.'' she mumbled before eating a slice of meat.

''And you girls are so sexy, I don't even understand how." She continued making me laugh at her.

''I don't think you have the right to say that." She jokingly said before feeding me again.

''Just eat and don't say anything like that again.'' She said.

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