4: Harry

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I knew it. I could tell Astra was close to passing out before I even started the suture. I watched as her blonde hair covered her face as her head began to hang. Asher let out an over exaggerated squeak. You would think after years of doing this he would be used to it.

I grabbed her fragile body and placed her on the couch. I sat next to her unconscious body and let out an exasperated sigh as I ran my fingers through my hair.

I hadn't even had time to take in all that just happened. Some men just broke into my apartment. Right before Astra came back down to reality, she mentioned that they had been watching me for months.

How the hell have I not noticed someone watching me for months? I'm overly cautious. I mean everything I own is top quality. My security was top notch. Something isn't adding up.

I left the house about 8 hours ago. Kai had texted me saying he needed a wing man. What kind of friend what I be saying no to him?

I made sure Astra didn't see me leave. I didn't want her to ask me questions. I hate being question, and from what I read in her file, she never stops with the damn questions.

I remember reading it the night I found out she was going to replace Zayla. Zayla and Astra were completely different. If I had to compare Zayla to something, it would be a newborn baby. She required so much maintenance.

One time, she threw a fit because I hadn't ironed her clothes. She damn near burned the house down when I suggested she ironed her own clothes.

She was extremely girly. She had a hair and nail appointment every Tuesday at 3:15 Before you ask, yes I had to drive her to it. Kai offered to take her once, but she thought he was just trying to cover for me while I went to see some other girl.

She demanded when we first got together that we painted every room pink, but that's where I drew the line. I compromised and let her decorate while I kept my black carpet and matching walls. I gave her my platinum card and turned her loose one Saturday. The girl didn't come home until Sunday. She bought pink everything.

It may seems like the relationship was one sided, but it truly wasn't. We both loved each other. It was evident since the night we met.

It was 6 months ago. The boys and I decided to go on Belle Street aka the party street. I was babysitting Asher and Kai because they decided to play cup pong against some other boys. They were absolutely trashed. Asher was so drunk that he thought I was a girl and tried to sleep with me.

I had finally gotten Asher off of me when I saw Zayla. She was wearing a pink glitter crop top and white latex pants. The moment our eyes connect it was like we were meant for each other, but that obviously wasn't the case.

Fast forward 6 months, she used me. I went to work two weeks ago. Everything was fine. I had no idea she wouldn't be there when I got home. When I finally got home, there was a note on my counter.

Dear Harry,

I want you to know that these past 6 months have been so nice. I've truly enjoyed the finer things in life. It actually led me to make this decision. I'm leaving, Harry. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go back to the real world. I can't keep being here. I know we're at odds with the Scorpios and everything, but Lisa told me that they aren't even still in the real world! They're gone, so I won't have to stay here anymore. Bottom line, I'm gone. Please don't try to come find me.

Lol (lots of love),

Zay bae ;)<3

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