Chapter Two: Michael Wingley

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Standing in Damien's yard, Lily helped dig a hole to bury her bird. Damien had told her that she shouldn't get her hands dirty and he would do all the work, but alas she refused. Lily was the type of a girl who acted on her emotions and helping the bird who she so fondly named Michael Wingley rest in peace was helping her cope. 

When the hole was finished, Lily's eyes began to water. Letting go of things was among many things she wasn't good at. 

As Damien placed Lily's t shirt that had the bird's corpse in it in the hole, the willow tree swayed in the light breeze . Carefully he covered the hole with dirt, patting it down smoothly.

"Do you want to say anything to Michael?" Damien asked the girl as she stared intently at the hole, her eyes clouding over with tears.

"I-I-I don't want to say goodbye," she cried, knowing that it more than just about the bird. She missed her parents who were taken from her when she needed them the the most, she missed her older sister who always helped her and never put her down, and she missed herself and how she used to be able to look at the world with such joy. 

"It's okay princess, I know it's hard but we have to remember Michael is in a better place now," he murmured, brushing his hands on his pants before wrapping his arms around her. He let her cry into his chest, knowing today had been a long day for her. They had only known each other for less than an hour but it seemed as if they had spent their whole life together. While it may be cruel of him to think such a way, he knew that if the bird hadn't hit his windshield he would never have his fallen angel in his arms. 

He patted her back, letting her sobs become simple gasps for air as she choked on her tears that could no longer come out. 

Once she calmed down, they sat down and watched the sun set together. Lily's head rested on Damien's strong arm, their sides touching. Lily knew it wasn't right to be so comfortable around a man she had just met but she couldn't help it. She felt a instant connection with him, one she only had a ling time ago when her family was still whole and happy. 

Once the sun disappeared on the horizon, Damien stood up, offering Lily his hand. He wanted to pick her up but didn't know how she would react. She took his hand and he led her inside. 

"Here baby, let's get you showered while I make us dinner." Lily couldn't help the blush that coated her cheeks. She wasn't used to anyone being this sweet to her, let alone a man who was a greek god himself. 

She knew that if she cried because of this he would surely leave her, so she held in her tears as he led her inside. He showed her how to use his shower and left to let her do her thing. 

"Wait, before I go, are there any allergies you have pretty girl?" He said, stopping in the doorway. 

"No, I can eat whatever," she said, a smile forming on her lips. She was happy someone finally cared for her but at the same time she felt the nagging fear he would quickly change into a heartless man. 

As Damian started to cook dinner which consisted of stuffed chicken and salad, he couldn't help but think about the girl who was using his shower. Sure, he could've told her to use the one of the guest showers as he did to all of his other guests but Lily was his special girl. 

Why the fuck am I so interested in a girl I just met, he wondered. It didn't bother him, just startled him. He heard her soft footsteps approach the kitchen and turned to face her. 

Fuck, was the first word that came to Damian's mind when he saw the petite girl wearing his shirt that was too many sizes too big. It reached her knees yet somehow made her figure more pronounced. 

He cleared his throat trying to think of something other than scenarios of him and Lily where she wasn't wearing clothes and her eyes weren't rolled back as he pleasured her. 

"Hi Damy," she muttered, blushing as she felt his eyes on him. He walked over to her and picked her up, setting her on the counter. It was clean of course, he had disinfected it after he touched the raw chicken. He stood in between her legs and he still was a little taller than her even when she had gained height. She closed her legs around his waist and wrapped her arms around the man who had become her home. 

"How was your shower, clingy little monkey," he teased. Lily whined, burying her head into his neck. And then he realized something. "Baby, you aren't the shorts I gave you," he chuckled, drawing circles on her lower thigh with his thick fingers. 

"T-they were too big, I'm sorry," she frowned. She didn't mean to show so much skin, Bella told her it was disgusting when she did. She pulled the shirt that had ridden up down. 

Damian saw this action and moved the shirt back up. "Princess, don't hide your pretty thighs from me. I was just joking," he muttered, kissing the top of her head. 

"I-I don't want you to get uncomfortable..." Lily answered. Damian backed up from her and she frowned, tears welling up in her eyes, thinking she made this man feel disgust because of her. Little did she know he would never feel that way towards her. Damian knew she didn't mean make him uncomfortable in a sexual way, the girl was much more innocent than anyone he had met in a long time.

"Why would I be uncomfortable?" He demanded, picking her up so her legs wrapped around his waist. 

"B-Bella said that I wou-"

"No, no, no. Bella is a jealous bitch and I don't want you to think anything that she tells you like that is true. You are my pretty girl and every aspect of you is perfect. Fuck, I swear the angels crafted you to perfection. Now if I hear you say another mean thing about yourself I won't hesitate to take you over my knee. Understand?"

Lily was too shocked to say anything, her mouth agape. Damian lightly tapped her bum, getting her attention. "Understand?" He repeated. She nodded weakly as the timer for the oven went off. 

Hehe we love Damien reassuring Lily that she's his pretty girl. 

Also I made a lil change to this chapter at one point I had Damien thinking and he said he loved Lily which uh is possible but I changed it to him wondering why he is so interested in a girl he just met! Also huge shout out to 14kdad MinaCarstairs17 yesimbetter and Nikki_Valesliv23 yall are too kind like for real I am so thankful for all of your support! Your comments make my day and y'all are just so so so nice! Ly all sm 💖

Question of the day: Favorite heart emoji? I like the 💖 or the 💞 

Hehe hope y'all have a great dayyyy

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