(𝟯) that damn ravine

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thatowlguy started following you

justkozume started following you

tetsurou started following you

hey.akaashi started following you


Your POV

"Fuck! Kenma help!" I practically scream to my headphones as I struggle from trying to kill a herd of zombies.

"I'm coming, stop screaming,, you're making my ears bleed." Kenma's voice resonates from the other line.

Both me and kenma are playing Minecraft right now because we had nothing else to do. And it's kind of a daily routine for us to play together all the time.

At first, I thought Kenma would be the shy, quiet type and we wouldn't go well together. But alas, here we are, practically best friends.

I was planning on not telling him where I live but I gave up. He's the only one that knows I go to fukurodani other then my karasuno babies. I made him promise not to tell anyone though.

"I have a spare pickaxe. Do you want it?" Kenma asks, browsing through his inventory. I turn my character towards him.

"Yes bitch, mine's basically dead." he hands me the diamond pickaxe and then we're off mining.

"Why do you keep following me? stop." Kenma exasperatedly sighs through his mic.

I scoff, "You always find diamonds, so I'm gonna steal before you take it." I let out a loud maniacal laugh (imagine a villains laugh).

"oh my god. Just leave me alone."


And then we spent the next hour arguing with me chasing after him. He tried to get me lost but bitch he thought. I always find him. heh.


"Not a chance, kozumeee." I purr. Not gonna lie, kenma's face turned red for a second.

-what y/n didn't know was that the gamer boy liked the way she said his name. yes.

He jumped. I jumped. He sprinted. I sprinted.

"Stop trying to lose me, kozume. You're not gonna-" I stop mid-sentence when I suddenly fall off a cliff and land in lava. Who put a ravine there? I just wanna talk.

y/nbiatch tried to swim in lava.

Kenma's chuckles drowned out my thoughts of murder and misery.


I just finished playing with Kenma and I was bored. So I decided to chat with my friEndz 😽. I was feeling kinda lonely this pass few days too. aw.


kuroo smells ✨😺

y/n set their own nickname to diêpressed

sea water
good for u

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