(𝟭𝟮) anxiety and crackheadery

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a/n : if there is no Your POV in the beginning, expect it to be a narration.


Leaving your thoughts unattended is a bad idea. You're mind can wander everywhere and it becomes chaotic. You tend to overthink and come up with the most negative scenarios.

You're anxiety keeps spiking while you're walking out of your neighborhood with your bestfriend towards school which you were having second thoughts on attending.

You were scared and nervous to see bokuto and the others FOR THE FIRST TIME. You felt like you would barf any second.

It's not that you're an introvert and can't speak for your sake but you weren't exactly an extrovert neither.

In chat, you were obnoxious, talkative and rambunctious, however, it's in chat only. You only ever acted weird to your closest friends and relatives.

You didn't know how to act, and your bestfriend, Sierra who noticed this decided to speak.

"Calm down sis, you look constipated." The girl chuckled. She found your weaknesses quite funny because you're usually more upbeat and, well, mean and vulgar.

You glare at your bestfriend, "Shut the fuck up. If you were in my shoes, you'd be shaking."

"Bitch, I only wear prada." Her laughs echoed between both of you. "And plus, you've already been talking to those guys since a week and a half ago. I'm sure you'd be fine."

You're eyes stare at your walking feet in contemplation, you grunt, "What if they find me weird or something. What if I look ugly- wait- do I look ugly?"

You frantically turn to Sierra.

"You look like a bad bitch, so act like it bruh." She flicked your forehead.

Trust Sierra to be your best hype man and remind you that you're the baddest bitch alive.

"Damn, you is right." You're face was now decorated with a bright grin upon remembering your invincible species. A bad bitch.

"Hell yeah, I got this!"

"I'm such a miracle worker." Sierra had on a smug expression.


A few minutes later, you are now entering dangerous waters.


You are now a few steps away from the gates of your school. You're anxiety was like at a 5%. Is that a good thing? I honestly don't know.

You could only hope for the best.

Bruh if they as much as show a sign that they're uncomfortable by me, I'm dipping, you thought.

Sierra went in first because she didn't want to be in the way of your 'meet up'. She's so wifey.

You walk into the campus, hands gripping your (f/c) backpack, you looked around. You only saw students come in and out of school, but none of them were who you are looking for.

Shit, what if they stood me up? they wouldn't..., you thought.

However, before your thoughts could be consumed by refuting premonitions, you were suddenly tackled by a heavy weight.

Letting out a squeak, you tried to keep your balance as you saw a ball of spikey hair in your face. The person that tackled you smelled like men's cologne and sandalwood. You had a pretty good idea on who it was.

"Y/N! OH MY GOD. I FINALLY GET TO MEET YOU!" a familiar voice from voice messages and face times exclaimed. He nuzzled his head into your neck making you shiver.

You laugh softly, "Hi Bokuto!! You're as loud as ever."

"That's what we have to put up with everyday." someone scoffed.

I looked up to see the other boys; Akaashi, Konoha, Sarukui, all of them. Even the others that I haven't met yet.

Bokuto let go of you, wearing a shit-eating grin.

"You're so much prettier in person." Sarukui smirked, staring directly at you.

You blush a dark red as you roll your eyes, "Thanks lol. I've always been pretty."


"Speaking of pretty, fucking hell mate, Akaashi you're literally an angel sent from above, what!" you screech resulting to akaashi almost having a spasm. But you didn't know that.

"I knew she was gonna react like this." Konoha shook his head.

"You look good too, konoha, I guess." You shrugged but it still made konoha blush.

"Hey, whaf about me?" Bokuto crossed his arms, a pout on his face.

You giggled at the sight, knowing Bokuto's childish tendencies.

"You too, Bokubro." You laugh loudly. Bokuto lit up like a christmas tree and patted your head making you blush once again.

The others stared at the both of you, slightly jealous.

"Oh yeah, Y/n. These are some of the other members. There are more but they aren't here yet." Akaashi spoke, motioning to the familiar strangers. Their faces looked familiar because they were popular, of course, but you couldn't remember their names.

"This is Haruki Komi." Akaashi pointed to the brown haired dude that you saw yesterday at the gym. The one with the creased eyebrows.

"And this is Wataru Onaga." He pointed to a tall man.

"Hiiiii! I hope you don't mind meeting a crackhead like me with no motivation in life who wakes up at noon and eats a chocolate bar as a meal!" You smiled and waved. They returned the gesture hesitantly, smiling except for Komi who looked like he didn't wanna be here.

"That's weirdly specific, y/n." Sarukui snorted.

"And concerning." Washio raised his eyebrows.

"Oh shut up, Mr. Nosebleed." You snickered.

Washio almost choked on his own spit, "W-what, don't bring that up."

You laugh even harder.

Before anyone could say anything else, the warning bell rang signalling that the students have five minutes to get to their designated classrooms.

"Our classroom is at the other building so we gotta go." Akaashi said. You nodded.

"You should eat lunch with us, y/n." Konoha spoke, expectantly. He wanted you to say yes.

You thought about it for a second before nodding, "Yeah, okay."

All the boys except Komi held a mini celebration in their heads at your response.

"Meet us at the cafeteria!" Bokuto grinned, hugging you one last time before leaving with the rest.

You stare at their retreating figure, smiling to yourself.

I guess it wasn't that bad after all., you thought.


AAAAA, finally they meet. Don't you guys just love bokuto.





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