6. Chamber 5

717 67 3

Jake (JK)  Sunghoon (SH)

<next week, Jake decided to go shopping instead, confused about what had happened last week.>

<Sunghoon sister's birthday is coming up, so he goes shopping>

SH: <Walking around looking for girl's dress shop, he spots Jake at a store, he goes in>

Jake: <Looking through jackets at his favorite store (Chamber 5), thinking black looks good on me, and trying on a few pants to match>

SH: <Walking toward Jake, and noticed a shirt he likes, picks it up and stands behind Jake>

Jake: <stepping back to look around and backs into Sunghoon> Sorry. <surprised to see Sunghoon> oh. Hi. <extremely happy>

SH: Hey Jake, I found a shirt I like. Maybe you can get this for me, like a gift you still owe.

Jake: Wow, you initiated the conversation and completed a whole sentence. <he seems different -  like not trying to ignore him and seems interested in talking to him>

SH: Only with people, I like, after I get to know them. <I guess I'm talking more>

Jake: <covering his mouth, embarrassed> You like me. You want to get to know me.

SH: <staring, looks over to the shirt and looks back, like a hint>

Jake: Oh. Are you just saying that to get me to buy you this expensive shirt in return for the ice cream you got me? <pout>

SH: <smiling inside with his quick wit> Would you prefer I pick out a ring? <holding his laughter>

Jake: <realizing he's mocking him> No. A shirt looks better on you.

SH: <still teasing him> Maybe next time, we can get a couple outfit?

Jake: <now it's just obvious, he's getting pranked> Aren't you moving too fast, I don't even know your name?

SH: <surprised> You really don't know I skate.

Jake: <thinking back> No, I've never seen you with a board.

SH: <laughing inside>That would be a little hard to ice skate.

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