22. C&R 3

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<Sunghoon and Jakey head over to a local eatery, bustling with people>

SH: <recalling JK's last comment, thinking wow, I've never met a girl so savage, it's such a turn on>

JK: Ok, it's been 3 hours, how often is he here for lunch? <questioning him>

SH: <trying to reassure her> I've seen him here before a few times with my friends, and he asked me out a few times and to meet him here one time.  He kept making passes at me, asking me to go to the arcade with him or to the movies.  

He's not my type, I thought he was a jerk.  He's not even good-looking.  I don't see what you see in him.  But I can show you the places he hangs out in.

JK: <skeptical, but she doesn't have any other leads> So tell me everything you know about him, good or bad, I'm a big girl, I can take it.  Better, yet, write down all the places he visits.

SH: <jealous, but thinking, he'll win her over yet> Ok. But are you sure you don't want to go hang out at the arcade together, 4 eyes are better than 2?

<JK thanked SH, pays for lunch, and left in a hurry>

<After doing surveillance a few days, JK spots his target, chases him in pursuit, down an alleyway, through buildings, across the river, into traffic, until the guy runs into a flower cart.  JK cuffs him and takes him in. Another dirtbag off the street.>

<Back at the police station, where JK is interrogating the suspect>

JK: <stands up, and kicks the chair away, and slams down with her hand> Look, we know you've been selling illegal firearms to gangs and minors, so who's your source.  We have evidence and witnesses that can lock you away for life. Just tell us, and we'll lessen your sentence. <throws down the photos>.   

<After a few hours of interrogating, JK is called in by the chief>

Chief: Look, you're not getting anywhere with him, let's just book him and try another route.  I've recruited 2 guys from another district to help.  They've been doing undercover work at the local schools.  Maybe we can get some fresh eyes. Come on in boys.

<looks at JayHoon> This is special agent Jakey from Australia, she's been chasing down the illegal international arms trafficking syndicate, which has lead her here to Seoul.  

<looks at Jakey> The boys were recruited a year ago to help infiltrate the local school as students to solve minor crimes.  But I think they are ready to move up.  Introduce yourself, boys.

<Both SH and Jay are delighted, but Jakey is shocked in disbelief.>

JK: <snaps at them>  You boys better straighten up and follow my lead.  This ain't no 21 jump street.

 <Both SH and Jay looking back in love and admiration of JK's forceful and confident demeanor, daydreaming of the adventures they would have together.>

One Dream | JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now