10. Choose

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Jake (JK) Sunghoon (SH)

Jake: Ideal type? 

SH: Hmm <pause> Irene from Red Velvet and Jake

Jake: Now you're going too far.  

SH: Sorry, I got bored. But if you were a girl, I would definitely choose you.

Jake: Didn't we just meet? 

SH: I feel as though I've known you for a long time. Like soulmates.

Jake: Really <blushing> You were kinda mean when we first met. 

SH: I wasn't trying to be. I'm just reserved and protective in the beginning. I was just watching and listening to you. Your funny, in an endearing way. Watching you is like watching a movie. You made me smile inside.

Jake: Oh... I like you too Sunghoon, like soulmates. I'm glad I'm able to tell you this because I didn't know how you would react. I'm not good at hiding my feelings, even though I'm rational. 

SH: Me too, the rational part.  I know I can be a hard read. But I gave you so many signals, and all you do is blush and run. I was thinking I had to get someone else to intervene.

Jake: Why didn't you just tell me directly.  

SH: I don't do that.  That would affect my ranking.

Jake: I'd like to be life-long friends, like besties. I feel like I was supposed to come to South Korea to find you.

SH: Me too, now that I know you better.

Jake: <pondering their connection> 

SH: <imaging Jake in dress as his ideal girl> Since I chose you as my ideal if you were a girl. What about you. If you were a girl, would you choose me?

Jake: Why do I have to be the girl? 

SH: You're shorter.

Jake: Okay, Can't argue with that logic. 

SH: So?

Jake: Yes, if I was a girl, I'd choose you. But you can't call Irene? 

SH: Who's that?

Jake: My hoonie <points to him with both hands> 

SH: My jakey <points back>

Jake: <embarrassed> Ok... That's a take. 

SH: <chuckles inside> There's no camera.

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