8. Flame On

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Jake (JK)  Sunghoon (SH)

<Sunghoon continues to tease Jake, but turns it up>

Jake: Stop that Sunghoonie.

SH: <thinking back> When did I tell you my name?

Jake: I looked at your phone when you were paying for your items.

SH: Oh, I thought you were lying to me this whole time.

Jake: You're very protective.

SH: It's out of habit when you have people approaching you a lot and a few sasaeng fans.

Jake: Oh, are you a celebrity, let me google you.

SH: Stop. Wait until you get home.

Jake: <puts his phone away>

SH: I get tired of fake people swooning over me and can't even formulate a decent sentence of interest.  <Sh*t, was I thinking out loud, that's TMI>

Jake: <nodding> Sorry, I can't relate, to the swooning part.

SH: But you're different. It's like you've been under a rock.

Jake: I grew up in Australia, and just moved to Seoul 2 months ago, so I've been down under.

SH: That explains it, but you're still attracted to me, right? <with a smirk>

Jake: Huh...I don't think I should answer that?

SH: I respect that. <pause> Are you hungry?

Jake: Now, you're going to get me to treat you to an expensive meal. Do I look rich to you?

SH: <looks at his shoes> You seem sensitive about money. It's on me.

Jake: No, can we go dutch? I don't want this to seem like a date. If my mom asks me what I did today, or if I have to play truth or dare, they'll ask me if I ever been on a date with a guy and stuff.

SH: Wow, you thought all of that through just now

SH: So you're a bad liar.

Jake: Yeah, you can say I'm regretfully honest.

SH: You're funny.

Jake: It's not a life choice. Things just seem to happen to me beyond my control.

<Jake's guarded against people using him for his money, and SH's guarded against people liking him only for his beauty.>

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