30. The Proposal

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<It was pouring rain outside, and Jake hears a knock at the door, let's Sunghoon in, who was slightly wet from the rain.>

SH: <walks in and inquired on his health, then proceeded in an agitated manner>

In vain have I struggled.  My feelings will not be repressed.  I can no longer bear it. These past months have been a torment.   Against my better judgment, your gender, societal expectation of me, the inferiority of your beauty and status compare to mine, my princely rank, and circumstances, the Korean beauty standards, your foreign nationality, all these things, I'm willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony.

Jake: I don't understand.

SH: I love you, most ardently. Please do me the honor of accepting my love.

Jake: SH, I appreciate the struggle you have been through and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. Believe me, it was unconsciously done.

SH: Is this your answer?       Jake: Yes.   

SH: Are you laughing at me?     Jake: No

SH: Are you rejecting me?

Jake: I'm sure the feelings you have told me which hindered your regards for me will help you in overcoming it.

SH: Might I ask why with so little endeavor of civility.

Jake: And I might as well inquire why would so evident the design of insulting me you chose to tell me this against your better judgment.

SH: No, believe me, that was not my intent.

Jake: If I am so unsuitable for you, then you think too highly of yourself. And my good views of you, misguided. Your arrogance, selfish and flirtatious nature, and legions of admirers, are of no interest to me.

SH: So this is your opinion of me. Thank you for explaining so fully. Perhaps these offenses could have been overlooked had not your pride been hurt by my honesty. Could you expect me to rejoice in the matter of your gender as viewed by society and the inferiority of your circumstances?

Jake: And these are the words of a prince? From the first moment I met you, your arrogance and conceit, your mockery of me, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you were the last man in the world I could ever prevail upon to love.

SH: <realizing Jake's answer less than ideal and views of him less than par> Forgive me, Jake, for taking up so much of your time.  <walks away>

<Just then>

Jake:<wakes up from his dream> OMG, that was so real. Right out of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Oh heck. Why am I Elizabeth Bennet and SH gets to be Mr. Darcy? <blushes>

Sunghoon: <had the same dream and wakes up> Ha. Jake's the girl, knew it.  Man, I was hot and Jake was savage.  But we all know how the story ends, Darcy redeems himself, turns out to be a saint, clears up any misunderstanding with Lizzy, and gets the girl.  Heck yeah, another prince charming icon.  What can I say, Jake's in love with me....... or at least in my dreams? <happy>

<When we don't realize the impact of school on our psyche>

Bonus - 

<SH thought to himself, school paid off, he had an erotic dream about Jake, from a book assignment.>

<End of Season 1 - Connection>

<Season 2 continues as a separate book - One Dream S2 - Discovery>

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