15. Dawn

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Sunghoon (SH)  Jake (JK) Jay (J)

<Sunghoon and Jake still chatting away at night>

SH: <shocked> That's incredible, Jake. You did well. Maybe it's fate that brought us together. 

Jake: That didn't sound sincere Sunghoon, are you sure it's fate?

SH: <shook> What? 

Jake: <laughing> I'm just joking, Jay just texted me.

SH: <angry> You have his F* #?  I'm going to kick his sorry a*s. 

Jake: Yeah, met him from the photoshoot last week. I also met Heeseung, Jungwon, Sunoo, & Niki.

SH: What? Why am I last? 

Jake: Jay said you were at skating practice.

SH: So am I your bf or not? 

Jake: I don't have a bf.

SH: Stop being so rigid with terms, get with the program.  Ok, I mean bff, #1 bestie, soulmate. <whatever you want, as long as you're mine> 

Jake: Oh, in that case, yeah, of course.

SH: You better not be cheating on me with those delinquents. 

Jake: You're my best bro.

SH: Don't use bro, it's toxic to me. I prefer bff or #1 bestie, if you have issues with bf or gf.

Jake: So what are they to you?

SH: It changes monthly, I have a whole system, it determines my priority/availability, response time, tone, % of skinship with them. 

Jake: Wow, you're meticulous. Good to know.

Jake: <texting Jay -  so has SH ever dated anyone?>

Jay: <texting to JK - Not that I know of, he's too busy, and we're not allowed, he's all bark, no bite>

Jake: <texting to Jay - Good to know, he keeps teasing me>

Jay: <texting to JK - that's his thing, that's just how we talk, and you're an easy target, few can retain his attention, he must find you interesting>

Jake: <texting to Jay - Thanks. > 

SH: <texting to Jay - you better not be telling him anything, remember brotherhood, code of silence, or I'll smack your a*s from here>

Jay: <texting to SH - got it, kissy face>

SH: <back to talking to Jake> You know you're part of my harem now, right. 

Jake: Yeah, I realized that. I'm actually honored. <earnestly> 

SH: You know I'm just joking about my system, harem, and bf stuff, right? It's just how we have some fun and talk in the industry. <wink>

Jake: Good to know, I guess.  Yeah, these cultural differences are tricky.  Regardless, you will always be my soulmate. That will never change. And since I'm older, I'm going to do my best to protect you and share some of your burdens. <earnestly>

SH: Darn it, Jake, you just ruin my facial mask with that mushy stuff.

Jake: Sary. <giggles>

Jake: Yeah I'm kinda slow in the flirting department if that's an industry requirement, but I'm going to learn from the master. <giggles>

SH: Stay pure Jake, that's your best asset, you'll break many hearts just being you.

Jake: <completely embarrassed, hiding under his sheets.>

SH: Hello, are you still there?

<sun rises, but both finally fell asleep>

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