19. Intervention

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Jake (JK) Sunghoon (SH)

<Jake calls Sunghoon to inquire why he talked to his Mother>

Jake: Hey Sunghoon.

Sunghoon: Yeah, buddy.

Jake: What the heck. Why did you call my Mother? What is wrong with you. You crossed the line. You're off my friends' list. We are no longer besties. You went too far.  I can't forgive you.

Sunghoon: Hold on Jake.  It wasn't my idea.  

BH was concerned with your mental health. Both you and Heeseung.  Heeseung being targeted among the older members trying to take him down from their own petty jealousy, because he's the ACE.  Those older members trying to sabotage Heeseung's efforts, thinking they could go further that way.  Heeseung being a nice person who would feel hurt and betrayed by their actions.

Jake, you being the newer trainee in iLand area and competing/keeping up with seasoned trainees was probably very stressful with the fear of being voted down each week, and constantly being judged on your current skills with people overlooking your growth and potential.  That takes a lot of mental strength and courage.  If you were at the Ground area, it would have been less stressful, but then we would not have been able to practice together.

BH wanted to give everyone an opportunity to talk to a psychologist.  But the psychologist said something else was bothering you that you didn't want to talk about.  They call me in, because we are close.  I said I'm not sure, let me think, maybe he has a fear of intimacy with a guy.  

So we got consent and input from your Mom and worked together to come up with something that would help you address your issue with your Mom. Ok, I might have added my spin to help you heal, but your Mom was cool about it, she loved it.  But she might have thought I was the guy, but I didn't try to deny it, because I don't know.  We were all just trying to help you.

Jake: What?????????  <screams> Ugh! Seriously Sunghoon.  Are you mental?

Sunghoon: I honestly wanted to help you.  I wasn't trying to prank you or anything.  She asked me a question, and it's all I could think of at the time.  I don't know it was a psychology question. I wanted to help you with any intimacy issues you might have.  What teenage boy doesn't have intimacy issues.

Jake:  And they believed you and you got my Mom involved.  So now she thinks I have intimacy issues with a guy.  And the guy happens to be you?  And she blessed us as a couple. <happy, but not happy>

Sunghoon: No, Jakey, you can trust me. I didn't say it was me.  And why would I think it's me.  I think your Mom just drew her own conclusion.  And she wanted to support you, so you wouldn't feel troubled.

Jake: ok, backup. Why do you think I have intimacy issues with a guy that's not you, or you don't know who.

Sunghoon: I'm sorry Jake, I didn't mean to upset you, we were just trying to help you and I was just brainstorming and they ran with it.  I can clear up any misunderstanding with them.

Jake: No it's ok.  I think my Mom loves the idea that we may be a couple and added her own spin on it.   You 2 are alike in many ways.  <Oh no, do I also have a mommy complex with SH?>

As far as fear of intimacy with a guy, I'm not sure myself, I don't think so, I think it more of a cultural difference. I will feel more comfortable in time with these random and/or expected skinships.  And attraction doesn't mean romantic interest. You guys are family to me.

Sunghoon, who doesn't find you stunningly beautiful, you could probably get me to do anything for you within reason.  But my interest in you is because of your personality, not your visual. I love you man, you're my soulmate.  And if my feelings for you ever turn sexual, I would run to the bathroom, before I would confess.

As far as what I didn't want to share with the psychologist, was fear of losing you as my best friend because you're so popular and have everyone whipped.

I rescind my friendship termination with you and forgive you with a red penalty card.  Your punishment will be determined at a later date.  I have to think hard on this.

Sunghoon:  <So it was about me. Knew it>  Jakey, you can't lose me as my best friend. We're soulmates. I will always care for you. You melted my heart and pierced my soul.  And when my feelings for you turn romantic, you'll be the first to know.  I'll think of a signal for us, so only we would know.

Jake: <Back to hiding under his sheets blushing>.

<Both feeling better with the misunderstanding resolved between Jake and Sunghoon for now>

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