23. Leader

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<The universe warps back to current day reality with Jake, Sunghoon, and Jay>

<The Enhypen Leader has been announced and Jake calls a meeting to defuse the bomb>

JK: <txt jayhoon> Hey guys, I think we should meet to talk about the leader appointment at the clubhouse today>

Jay: <txt Jakehoon> Double that, you got that right, I'm ready to explode.    

SH: <txt back> Ok, np. In the interest of saving Jay's life, I can skip my facial appointment today.  

Jay: <txt back> Thanks for prioritizing my life over your beauty today SH, means a lot. <Half jokingly, but serious>

<At the clubhouse>

Jay: <jumps right in> Let me start by saying, M*FK, I'm going to B* slap that kid, who the h*ll made him leader, I mean, seriously. Based on seniority, I'm next in line if Heeseung abdicated.  And we all know who's the 2nd best leader is after Ace, regardless of age. Even the fandom knew it.  What the F*.

SH: <waited a min> You done Jay?

Jay: No, I needed to take a breathe, where was I? Oh, yeah. F*ing  A*hole, I'm going to massacre all of you who voted for him.  I'm taking down names, you're all on my blacklist, that includes BH and the fandom. I'm going to burn the house down, and we'll see who's still alive B*.  And I don't care how much it cost, cuz I'm rich, nerds. <quite for 2 mins steaming with anger>

 JK: <massaging Jay's shoulder to help defuse the bomb - noding>  I thought you like Jungwon?

Jay: That's beside the point <feeling betrayed by Jungwon, really angry now>

SH: <not sure if he should ask yet> Feel better?   Jay:  No.  JK: How can we help you heal?           

Jay: There's no healing from this, they ripped my balls and took my manhood, that's not forgivable.  I seriously need to kill that B*.  He's been lying the whole time.  I know his game now. I'm going to take him down.

SH: <looks at JK, shrugs, and points to Jay with his head, with a look like -  you call this meeting, you deal with him>

JK: <looking back and points to Jay with his head like - don't you know him better, aren't you ice to temper his fire?>

SH: < looking back, shakes his head no like - that's just a metaphor, doesn't mean I'm always effective. Shrugs and points to Jay with his head - like you try JK>

Jay: What are you 2 doing, why is it so quiet?

JK: <deep massaging Jay's shoulder now, while SH looking jealous> Jay, Jaybird, our cute little angry bird. Our RASy bro.  Let's look at this pragmatically.

SH: <jumps in> Jungwon can kick your butt.  No contest.  Game over.

Jay: <thinks deeply for 5 mins like imaging if they were in a fight and nods in anger, then breathes out with a sigh, but still angry> Ok, you got a point.  So this was all about who has the biggest kahunas?  S*, F*. 

<both SH and JK nodding slightly, both realizing no other rational arguments would work with Jay, that this argument was actually the best course of action that he would understand and accept, and leave it at that. >

<after 10 mins of silence from all parties>

Jay: <trying to process all of it in his own way> So I guess in a rumble with other idol groups, the leader is usually the best fighter, right? Jakehoon: <nodds excessively to reassure him> Jay: An he would step up and do a taewondo side kick to show our dominance, right? 

Jakehoon: <nodding again excessively without question> Jay: And they would back off? Jakehoon: <nods to say yes> Jay: But he's a F* midget. JK: <thinking that's politically incorrect to use the m-word, but holds his mouth to keep from saying it>  He's still growing? <quietly> Jay: What! JK: Nothing.

Jay: <still fuming from the betrayal>  He's not forgiven yet.  He still owes me big time. That B* is mine. 

SH: <knows Jay best> Yeah, Jay, you can be the puppet master. <and just with that, SH neutralized the threat to defcon 5> Jay: <nods with a devious smirk, like he got this>

<after another 10 mins of silence and plotting on Jay's part, he stops and wonders where his thoughts went. Jakehoon gauging Jay's expression, and letting it play out.>

Jay: <feeling some shame after another 5 min past> I'm hangry now.

Jakehoon: <looks at each other> Ok, lunch is on Jay.

Jay: <pouting and shaking his whole body> Why... I'm the victim here. <continues to pout>

 <They finally left to grab a bite>

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