17. Enhypen

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Sunghoon (SH)  Jay (J) Jake (JK)  (Jasuke)

<Sunghoon, Jay and Jake meet at their Club house.> 

SH: Now that I'm no longer doing skating, I have more time with my fam.  First order of business is the initiation ritual of our new member, Jake from Australia. Bend over Jakey.

Jake: No way. I'm leaving before I get paddled.

Jay: Get back here, he's joking, the choice is a kiss or butt pat from all members.  The kiss location is member's choice. <Makes a kissy face, with hand motion>

Jake: You guys are sick. I'll go with the butt pat with hands only, no paddle.

SH: Next order of business is the re-naming of our group, since the dynamic duo, will not work for 3 members.  Unless someone thinks duo=3 <looks at Jay>

Jay: F*off SH.  How about 3 amigos, Tres Leches, threesome, Bermuda triangle, menage a trois, power of 3, charlie's angels, tricycle, third eye, averager 3, 3 musketeers, 3 blind mice, 3G, triangle, 3 way,  yap, yap, yap

Jake: Trinity, triad, sonata, tristers, triggent, trilobite, trimurtin, triglycerin, or something other than 3, like allegron, twister, divergin, enzy, so we can accept new members. 

SH: Enhypen it is.  Meaning connection, discovery, and growth. Pronounced N Hyphen (EN-)

Jake: What?  We didn't even vote. How did you come up with that?

SH: Came to me in a vision the other night, our fandom was calling out to me.

Jake: I followed you that night.  I thought you were upset, and you snuck into the BH office.

SH: I was on a mission, I took it upon myself to gain some advantage for our squad, since I'm the master builder and can enter any room amazingly.

Jay:  More like master kissy face, no one can resist my beauty.

Jake: Yeah, I saw you charming the janitor into letting you in, and he obliged in less than a minute.  <hehehe>  Isn't that a crime, breaking and entering?

SH: Not when it's someone authorized to go in, let's you in.

Jake: You have a way of twisting things around. I don't know about this club, can I leave at any time, I don't want to be incriminated.

SH: No, it's a blood contract, you're sworn to secrecy, and only death can terminate your contract.  And there's a $100 monthly auto-fee, or you can opt for the lifetime one-time charge, to cover the admin cost <for my petty cash fund>.

Jake: Would that be my death, or can it be Jay's? Are you making all of this up as we go along? And can I get a discount? Nothing personal, it's just business.  SH: Triple no. And the cost just doubled for asking. Besides, you're rich. Just think of it as you giving me a pair of expensive shoes on my birthday every year.  

Jake: Who spends that much on shoes? Jayhoon: <Looks down at his shoes.> Jake: What? It was a gift from my Dad from the US. Jayhoon: <Still staring> Jake: Ok, I'm addicted to shoes, is that against the rules?

Jay: Hey, he has a whole book for this club memorized.  You'll need to read it within the week. It's online.

Jake: If it's online, couldn't he change it at any time?  Where did he go?

SH: <returning from the bathroom> Just needed to freshen up.

SH: <sensing JK's concerns> That's why I need you Jakey, you're my right-hand man, my check and balance, my better half I didn't know I needed. <wrapping an arm around his shoulders>

Jay: What about me SH?  I thought I was your right-hand man?

SH: Shut up Jay, you're not even a good bouncer.

Jay: That's just rude, MF*.  Anyway, I'm hangry.

SH: Okay, Lunch is on the Jay.

<All three left to go grab a bite, get new digs and watch a new movie to commemorate their new tri-squad.>

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