Chapter 4

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Alphonse's POV:

I've been worried about brother lately, I'll admit it.
It seems as if he's been bottling up his feelings. More than usual, I should add.

Maybe it's that he doesn't even know what he's feeling, but I really don't know how to help him. I spoke to Granny about it the day before we left, and she said she'd take care of it. If only I had known what she meant.

As we walk through this strange tube-lined hallway, we reach an end. We've entered an almost bedroom-looking space. Sure enough, when Colonel opened the doors, they revealed roughly 6 by 8 feet bedrooms. 6 rooms. What would they even be used for?
Suddenly, a draft was sent through the air. I shuddered. Everyone else felt it too. An officer called "Jefferson" said "does anyone else need to get out of here... my body feels almost- unnatural"

Colonel turned to him, and yelled at the top of his lungs. I looked to where he was facing.
There, right behind Sargent Jefferson, stood an enormous shadow. Unlike anything I've ever seen in my life. It spoke in a harmful pitch.

"Hello, I'm Pride. Father has asked to see you"

PRIDE! He must be a homunculus, like envy and Greed.
Colonel and I exchanged a look. We must have had the same thoughts. I can't say the same for the others. Lan and Fu appear to have caught on fast. A Sargent "Chavis" was not as intelligent. He was yelling at Pride who has, at this point, tied us up and is leading us to an unknown location.

I whisper to Colonel: "What will we do now"

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