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Iwaizumi had only visited the castle dungeons once before. Deep within the palace undergrounds, it seemed like the perfect place to find a hiding Oikawa during an intense game of hide and go seek. He had thought himself brilliant for coming to the conclusion, racing down the steps and diving past the guard with a joyful grin.

Only to be scooped up and scolded furiously, barred entry and given some lashings for the disrespect.

He never even entertained the thought of sneaking in again.

(Oikawa had been hiding in a cabinet in the pantry room.)

But he does remember where the dungeons are, and he knows approximately where the cells would be found. And years of helping Oikawa study every inch of the castle allows him to know one more important thing: all cells have a grated opening to the surface, to allow a sliver of light and some rainwater to slip through.

Iwaizumi is certain these grates are found by the north east side of the castle, the side normally ignored when guiding visiting nobles through the grounds. The grass there is attended to once a week rather than every other day. There are few flowers grown, and just as Iwaizumi suspected, there are slits in the ground right by the castle walls.

The slits are about an inch wide and five inches long, with small metal rods spaced an inch apart within them. The slightly unkept grass shields them well from obvious sight but they spot them easily when they try.

"He's down there?" Kyoutani asks, beside Iwaizumi, crouching low to the ground to eye one of the grates.

"He's in one of them, at least."

"Yahaba!" Kyoutani hisses, crawling to each grate. There are groans from a few, curses from more and the occasional grubby fingers clawing out into the fresh air. Iwaizumi feels his stomach churn, tries to remind himself most of these people are actual criminals to assuage his growing guilt. Stay focused on the task at hand.

Finally, at the end of the row, they see a pale shaky finger poke through the grate. This grate is noticeable smaller than the others, barely leaving enough room to fit two lean fingers through.

"Yahaba?" Kyoutani repeats, leaning close to the grate in question.

"KyouKen?" A hoarse voice responds, finger twitching at the air.

Kyoutani drops down to his knees, digging at the dirt around the grate with his hands. Iwaizumi grits his teeth, putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him, "There's no point, see. It's all stone under here."

"Iwaizumi?" Yahaba's voice is scratched at the edges, as if his throat is so dry the words tear his skin up as he speaks them.

"Are you alright?" Iwaizumi asks, slipping down onto his knees to hear the quiet responses.

"Could be better," Yahaba whispers back, attempting at a laugh that only ends with him coughing. He pulls his hand back, most likely to cover his mouth.

"This is stupid," Kyoutani growls, pulling at the grate, "How are we getting him out?"

"We just needed to see which cell he was in. Remember the plan."

"You're getting me out?" Yahaba murmurs, fingers slipping back into the fresh air, back into sight.

"We're going to try," Iwaizumi promises.

"You shouldn't," Yahaba insists, voice raising slightly, despite how pained it sounds, "You'll be charged with treason too. And, and, oh God, Iwaizumi it was awful. I think, I think--please don't call me silly, just please believe me, I think I've been cursed."

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