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"Mr. Parker, Miss Wilson," Tony said as Ruby answered the call.

"Uh, we're actually in school," Peter said quickly.

"Nice work in D.C," Tony said, completely ignoring what Peter said.

"Okay," Peter nodded.

"Thanks," Ruby smiled.

"My dad never really gave me a lot of support," Tony continued. "And I'm just trying to break the cycle of shame."

"Uh, we're kind of in the middle of something," Peter dismissed.

"Be nice," Ruby snapped.

"Yeah," Tony nodded, "Don't cut me off when I'm complimenting you. Anyway, great things are about to happen-"

The ferry's horn blared.

"What is that?" Tony asked.

"Uh, we're at band practice," Peter lied.

"That's odd," Tony said, "Happy told me you quit band six weeks ago, and Ruby thinks band is lame."

"Band is lame," Ruby nodded.

"So what's up?" Tony questioned.

"We gotta go," Peter said quickly, "Uh.. Karen end that call!"


"Or.. I could press the end call button because your AI doesn't control my phone," Ruby rolled her eyes and walked away from Peter.

"Sorry, Uncle Tony," Ruby apologized. "We're uh, we're doing something really stupid. Also, Peter and I are in a bit of a fight."

"What are you two doing?" He questioned, "And wait- you're fighting?"

"Yeah," Ruby nodded. "He called me selfish and I got mad and said maybe we shouldn't be friends so he agreed and after this we're never talking to each other again. So that's fun."

"We both know that won't play out," Tony said, "Trust me, Rue, you two will make up somehow. Maybe you'll make up by making out, who knows."

"Bye, Uncle Tony," Ruby rolled her eyes. "Don't get mad at me, I love you, bye!" she ended the call.

"Freeze, FBI!"

"Woah, woah, woah!" Ruby raised her hands above her head, "What the hell?"

"What do you mean, FBI?" Peter asked. "I know, but what are they doing here? Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Ruby went invisible and her eyes widened when she saw the vulture fly straight towards her. A car hit her and threw both her and Peter into a pole.

"Get to the top deck, we're getting outta here." The vulture said.

The FBI fired at him while Peter webbed his leg. The vulture fired the purple gun at Peter a few times while Ruby struggled to get up.

When Ruby finally did stand up, the gun the vulture was carrying flew right into her face and her fell to the ground again, becoming visible once more.

The gun started to rapidly fire, "You're messing with things you don't understand."

Only moments later, the ferry was split into two.

Ruby flew up and watched as Peter swung and webbed up the sides, making it stay for a few seconds. Until one of the webs broke off, making all of the webs start to fall off as well.


She watched as Peter was hung in the middle of the split pieces of the ferry, holding the sides up with webs. She saw him struggling. She didn't know what to do to help.

The pieces started to get out back together and Ruby followed Peter down, she tripped over a piece of metal and fell, but stood back up in time to see Tony in his Iron Man suit out the window.

"Hi, Spider-Man," Tony greeted. "Band practice, was it?"

"Look, Uncle Tony I told you it was gonna be stupid-"

"Your nose is bleeding," Tony said as he flew away from the window to paste the pieces of the ferry that had broken off back together, Peter followed him.

"Boys," Ruby scoffed.

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