Kinning the Hermits

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This will be a bit of a "get to know the author" thing, because this book has over 500 reads, so thank you so much!

BdoubleO: NOT SHORT!!!, Definitely a flirt, very ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), horses are cool B-), sticks to stuff they're good at and works to improve it, tries to work on things they're not so good at, singing 💕💕💕, sounds like a maniac, makes up weird pronunciations for words when talking fast, haha anime eyes go brrr

Cubfan135: Illinois Bois, when not thinking of good replies just says nice, demons, similar sense of humour, I like the moo pop song :) *Ahem* I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS

DocM77: BEEDoubleO, serious at first but really a softie, he has a baby 💞💗💓 (note: I don't have a child, I don't know many young babies)

Etho: Mask! Yes! Many things going on at once, music go dododododo, Canada is best country (next to New Zealand and Sweden), many groups of different people

False: Murder, got to make this death thing pretty :), big scary, (I don't kin her a lot but I'm gayyyy)

Grian: Chaos, ummm, red = B-), panicky, loud, distracted distraction, cats yes

Hypno: haha pp, aww so cute~ KILL IT, pokemon gotta catch em all, bees, I don't know that much about him but he's doesn't seem to know much about himself either so I think I'm good

ImpulseSV: worried boi, often forgets to drink water (I'm getting better), keeps working, balances a lot at once, he's such a nice guy

Iskall85: his character uses they/them I use they/them, strange but not in a forced way, I LOVE SWEDEN, Swedish is my favorite language, laughs a lot, ambitious

Would cannibals be telling the truth if they said they ate ass?

Jevin: don't like something anymore? Completely get rid of it (cough cough DT fandom), facts are fun!, Swearing? What?! Never! How dare you! ((I don't know that much about jevin but he seems like the kind of guy to sit in the back of a party with a cat))

Joe Hills: Smart but doesn't think AKA big but smooth brain, annoying to a few people but really nice to everyone else, still nice to the people they annoy, I like his poetry, kind of a tease

Keralis: TEASE! FLIRT! YES! Haha swedish boys I kin go brr, again weird but not forced, maybe all swedish people are like that?, Nick 👏 Names 👏

MumboJumbo: shy, talking is hard, quiet-ish, spoon, anxious mess

Rendog: flirt~, I don't know why I even put that I'm not that flirty, confident!, Singing yesssss, cocky but the second someone is the same towards them it either increases the vibes or kills them

Scar: Dies a lot, cats :), finds the positives, uwu vibes

Stress: cuteeeee!!!!!!! She's more cute than I but still, get gorgeous baby!, Idk she's just cool

TangoTek: demonic screeching, murdering friends is fun :), stammering yes, he's my boy I love him

TinFoilChef: ? I don't know that much about him but he seems super nice :)

VintageBeef: has lots stuff going on, implies swearing while I actually swear, similar humour, I like his voice

Welsknight: chivalrous, evil twin is just another me in my head, he LOVES HIS WIFE SO MUCH I CAN ONLY HOPE

xBCrafted: Aaa I don't know much about him -~- I'm sorry, his voice is pretty nice though

Xisuma: tired sounding boi, I'm trying to get built like him, I really like listening to his voice, we both like classical music (ling ling), talk about stuff for funzies

Zedaph: very silly, agachapataha is how I explain what I'm doing too, lame sense of humour, puns, he just makes me go :), hes my favorite hermit <3 (AS OF WRITING THIS ZED IS STREAMING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OVER A MONTH :D)

ZombieCleo: WE'RE BOTH GAYYYYY! AAAAAAAA! she's bi and I'm pan :), ready to kill, big sibling friend, easily annoyed

Extra "Hermits":
Pause: Swears, yelps a lot, asks for help before doing it himself
Zloy: HE SAYS BOY OFTEN LIKE I DO, actively searches for pixloy (pixXP?) content, likes to draw, bedrock version
Pixl: JOKES MY GOD THE JOKES, good announcer voice, funny boy

Thank you again for so many reads! It means the world to me that you are here enjoying my writing <3 stay safe!

((I have no idea if I'm using that word right))

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