Chapter 2

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Birth certificate
Name: Hadrian Alexander Riddle
(Still calling him Harry)
Mom: Bellatrix Riddle nee Black
Dad: Tom Marvolo Riddle
Godmother: Narcissa Malfoy nee Black
Godfather: Lucius Malfoy
Creature: fem boy (sub)
(A/N:Can y'all please stop laughing at me... i made this when i was 12 and has been in my drafts for 4 years)
Mate: unknown (angel)(dom)
(Let me explain, it's the same Harry, a wizard but just more girly he still has a dxck)
Kept secret by dumbledore, the weasleys, and the grangers
When i was done reading i looked at the goblin shell shocked.
He looked at me with pitty.
"Thank you for telling me the truth" i told the goblin meaning it.
"You don't have to thank me no child should be taken from their parents" i gave the goblin a smile
And got some more galleons and went shopping cause i don't fit in my clothes. Weird. I walked into a shop with some girls clothes but when i passed a mirror o went back and looked at myself
I went back and looked at myself in the mirror i looked a lil different but not to much.
My eyes were the same type avada kedavra geen but one was crimpson red. My face was clear and was soft as feathers and my lips pink and plump. My hair was raven black with wavy strands and ending at my shoulder. My ass had grown a little and i was now standing at 1,60m. Damn i looked good!

( okay so i see harry as harry how he is in the movie cause otherwise it's not really a drarry fanfic if harry looks different (his face looks the same)you know, no hate to people who do it!) i walked to the 14-15 year old section cause 16 was to ...

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( okay so i see harry as harry how he is in the movie cause otherwise it's not really a drarry fanfic if harry looks different (his face looks the same)you know, no hate to people who do it!) i walked to the 14-15 year old section cause 16 was to big for me. But i didn't care cause i looked flawless now!

When i was finally done shopping clothes and tired af.
I walked through the streets and upon walking i found i newly opened coffee shop and
Wanted to try it.

I walked into the shop looking around it was a cozy place small tables everywhere a big window looking at the busy street and plants everywhere. It wasn't really crowded but you could see that it was newly opened. I saw hermione and rond together drinking something it hurt to know that everyone betrayed me who i thought were friends.
I could hear them whisper some things like 'harry...gone..more money...kill him...dead' i had to look strong and hold back my tears they couldn't know it was me ofcourse. I just want coffee and relax. After 10 minutes they left.

I took a seat in the booth in the back corner waiting for the waitress to take my order.

When she finally came and took it, i looked around some more. Some people were giving me glances and some winking at me but i didn't give them a glance back. Perv they are. I hate people always looking at other people. I was getting bored and took out a book i just bought city of bones by Cassandra Clare (you all should read it) i was deep in my book when a group people walked in guess who! Draco lucius malfoy, his mom and dad, and two strangers who had a glamour on harry didn't know that when ge looked good he could see through every bit off magic. They took a seat in the booth before him.
The waitress finally brought his coffee and harry got back to reading but picked a few words from the de family up.'16 years...lost...child...inheritance...'
When he looked up again he saw who the strangers were.... bellatrix lestrange and tom marvolo riddle.
He gasped loud enough to make the family turn around and raise their perfectly shaped eyebrows.
Harry gulped his coffee down payed and scurried away.

When he walked out the shop he could still feel the eyes on him but payed them no mind, he just walked some more deep kn thoughts but when he smelled something. SHOES! He smelled shoes! No one can have enough shoes, so he entered the shop.

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