Chapter 14

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Evening came around draco tried to talk to me but pansy wouldn't let him near me wich i was thankfull for. My pain in my abdomen is back and worse than before. But i can bare it. The We talked some more and went off to bed.

Morning came pansy woke me up with a wake up song and so we sang back widow while getting ready for breakfast.

Morning came pansy woke me up with a wake up song and so we sang back widow while getting ready for breakfast

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I didn't kno hat to do with my hair. So i did something... i went to draco's room knocked and walked in. A half naked platinum blond was standing in the bathroom door wide open towel wrapped around his waist.
"M-malfoy c-can you do" I asked nervously.
"Sure, love. If i can talk to you"
I hesitate for a second but agree.
He sat me down on his bed taking the brush and begun tangling his long pale slender fingers through my hair.
"What did you see? Me kissing astoria?" He asked, i couldn't speak so i just nod.
"You know if i didn't love you, you would be dead by now. If i didn't love you, you would've died in the next 2 minutes." Wait why wasn't that noted in the winged creatures book? "That doesn't explain why you kissed her" i said.
"When i got to the bathroom dor some reasons you know a shit, i got hold up by Astoria, she asked me if i still loved her i told her i didn't because i love you, she wanted to cure me and put me under a body bind charm, grabbed my hands and put them on her body and began kissing me i swear i would never leave for someone else." I searched his eyes for lies but the only thing i could find was truth. He was telling the truth.

"I- draco, i just don't know what to say. It hurts seeing you with someone else i cant get the imagine out my head. Ouch." My abdomen worse than before. Tears sprang to my eyes. Draco stopped what he was doing and laid his hand on my abdomen. Relief washed over me and i sank into his touch. My back touching his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close planting a kiss on my head.
"I forgive you, but don't you dare do it again." I turned around in his lap and hugged him.
"Draco my hair isn't done and i wanna have breakfast"
"It is done love let's go"
He took my hand and walked to the dinning hall.

"Morning pansy,greg,blaise,vince"
I happily say taking a seat between pansy and draco.
"What is he doing here?" Pansy asked glaring at draco.
"It's fine pansy we talked while draco did my hair. If he didn't love me i would have been dead in the next minutes" "ah i get it"

It was time to go to potions with snape. I took a seat next to draco and waited patiently for snape to arrive. Ron and hermione came in and made eye contact with me.
"Harry you don't belong with them, you're a Gryffindor!"
Ron said while grabbing my wrist. "Let go weasel. Or i will rip you apart" threatened draco.
"What you gonna do, ran yo daddy?" Joked granger.
"No but i will and well u'll kinda be dead." I threatened with a voice cold as ice.
"Oh and who may that be" wealsey laughed.
"Tom marvolo riddle"
Gasps could be heard even outside the door. Snape grinned at me and draco kissed my head. Weasley and granger walked off hips swaying.

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