Chapter 10

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I had this pain in my lower abdomen and it was burning me.
I went to find draco in his room. He looked up and saw the pain on my face and was in a second beside me.
"This pain hurts what is it draco?
"Where is the pain?"
"Lower abdomen"
"Oh it's just the bond know you're mad at me and is mad at you here let me help you" he laid me on his bed and his hand on my pain part, a sigh of relief leaving my lips
In the process.
Dray just smiled at me and kissed my forehead.
"Hey! I'm still mad at you! Don't think this changed anything!"
"Well i guess i just move my hand and let you have pain" that was mean he wouldn't dare hurt his mate would he, with that his hand moved a little giving me the pain again. The tears sprang in my eyes. It did hurt that bad. Draco just sag there looking at me, my slit down my face, i stood up stumbled and fell to the floor wich didn't make the pain any better and the fact that my mate was laughing didn't either.

I looked up at him tears soaking my face. When he saw this he picked me up brought me back to bed and laid my head on his chest and hand On my abdomen.
"Sorry love, i didn't know it hurt this bad, i'm sorry forgive me"
"It's fine it wasn't only the pain, don't worry about it" i gave him a sad smile.

"FOOD IS READY!" Someone yelled. I stood up draco's hand still on my abdomen and walked like that into the dining hall.
Cissy and lucius knew what was wrong but dad looked pissed.
"Why is his hand there?!"
"Well tom because when one is mad harry get's pain in his lower abdomen i had them too, and when you soulmate touches it it goes away" explained narcissa going back to her food. Dad gave an approving look and also went back to his food. I took a seat next to dad and draco next to lucius.
We made some small conversations.

It was getting late and tomorrow was time for hogwarts. Shit i have to pack i totally forgot!
"Shoot! I still have to pack excuse me" i gave them a kiss and left the dinning hall. I opened my trunk and grabbed my clothes. 6th hears didn't have to wear their uniform and i was happy about it. It was like grandparent clothes no offense but yeah... i took my clothed and underwear out my closet put them neatly in my trunk and grabbed my toiletries.

I was reading my book, city of ashes from Cassandra Clare. I really love her she's a good writer!
But it quickly became dark. And that means it's almost time for hogwarts, i really didn't wanna go anymore. I made a mistake but hey my life is a mistake!

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