Chapter 1

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As the trees whooshed around and the chattering of kids filled the castle grounds one child remained sitting on the concrete stairs unimpressed of the kids. His father was very busy meeting with the other kingdoms or empires. 

"You must be United Kingdom," A lady said, she was wearing a blue, white and red dress. She wore a crown and her hair was in a bun. "Yea...who asked?" He said raising a brow. "Me, France," She said with a smug look on her face. "Oh, you must be the other kingdom or empire my father is talking to." He said calmly. "Yep!" She nodded, "So why don't you come with me! We could go to the park!" France said smiling, "The park? Funny, the park here is for the villagers, not us." He said without a sign of emotion. "Come on! Please, I can't sit on the grass waiting for father to come back!"She whined. 

The French princess kept begging and whining, but eventually, the English prince gave up. "Alright, alright, alright! I'll take you to the park," He grumbled as he got up. "Thank you so much!" She said grabbing him. 

He first found it annoying that this girl had absolutely no manners, but as the time dragged on he realized that he had some feelings for her. He soon realized he was staring and turned away. 

The park was filled with roses and lilacs. Villagers waved hello and bowed along the way, France was smelling the roses very gracefully. "This park is beautiful," She said dazed, "Thank you..?" He responded. "Your welcome your majesty!" She winked, Uk's cheeks blushed and turned away. She giggled and pulled Uk out of the wooden bench, "Come on!" She said dragging him into the field of daisies. "This place is insanely beautiful!" She complimented once more. 

The two had a fun time exploring the place, passing the bakery, villagers. "Your Majesty! How are you doing?" The bakery asked, "How are you?" "Why I'm doing great," He said smiling. "Want to try my newest pastry?" He said holding a baguette.  "It was inspired by the French Empire," He said smiling, "Thank you!" France said smiling. "O-oh, you must be the visiting Empire." He said bowing. "No need to bow," France said smiling. He nodded and handed each a baguette. 

The first bite was delicious, Uk was entranced, "You like it?" They both asked, he nodded and smiled took another bite. France smiled and the baker bowed and walked away. 

They continued their conversation about their home empire until the guards walked towards them. "Your Majesty, your fathers are requesting to see you two," They said. One was a French guard another was English. "Votre Majesté, votre père vous demande de le rencontrer," He said. "O-oh," She said.

The two were escorted into the castle where the two empires sat. "Father, is there anything you need?" He asked. "We've seen how good you two were, but our empires are far from friendship." The British Empire said. "What do you mean?" Uk asked, "I forbid you to meet with him, ever again." French empire said with no emotion. "B-but Père!" France complained, "No, shut it. We're leaving now." He ordered. "Ok ... père" France said leaving. 

Uk watched as they left the courtyard, his expression remained neutral. "Let's head back in," his father said. He gave one last look and turned away. Thinking he would never see her again. 

Forbidden Love|Uk x France|Countryhumans|Part One|Where stories live. Discover now