Chapter 9

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When November ended, I had finished all the research and was starting early. China was also the same, I mean what did you expect from a very strict Asian family?

I sat in the front of the classroom gently tapping on the desk waiting for the last few people to arrive. China was also at the front, he figured it would help him see better. "Anyways, I'm just going to start, because I'm tired of waiting for them hoes," The teacher started. "Hoes?" Russia asked. "Yes now shush," and so the lesson started. 

"We're starting projects, and they are to be done before Christmas." He said. That was all I needed to know, the rest was just 'Blah, blah, dis, blah, blah, hoes, blah, blah Uk.'. Wait, Uk? My thoughts were snapped back into reality. I looked over to see Uk standing by the door. "You're Uk? What happened do just a grey sweater and some black leggings?" The teacher asked. He smiled, "Well, my parents wanted me to dress more formally." He said. "Parents, or the author just wanted to shape you into the character you are in the future otherwise it wouldn't make sense, besides. We are only on chapter 9." The teacher shrugged. "Are you trying to break the fourth wall by saying we're in a book?" China asked. Then a girl popped in. She looked like a literal mess. Her hair was tied in a black and messy bun. "Shush! No more fourth wall breaking!" She said throwing a book at the teacher. "Wait in the world," Russia said. "Correct, I'm not from your world." and just like that she vanished. The entire class was left shocked. "Wait in the world just happened?" China started. The teacher just shrugged and went back to the lesson. 

"That was weird," Mongolia added. "No duh," Russia said, "Has anyone seen China?" Mongolia asked. "I think he's studying for Christmas, that guy's family is putting too much pressure on him," Russia said. I groaned and sighed and the two looked at me. "What's gotten to you?" Mongolia asked. "I'm just worried about the marriage," I complained. "oh, that's right. When is the marriage anyway?" Russia asked. "On Christmas," I said. What I just know it's going to be on Christmas. "Well, count us in," The two said walking off. I really didn't want to do this. 

A week later, I figured I couldn't do this anymore. Uk has been too distant to me. So that night, I made sure that my parents were asleep. I wrote a letter to Uk, but this time I left out who it's from. I stuffed it into my bag making sure they won't find it. 

The next day, I went to school really early. Well, I tried to, but the door was locked. Then the same girl from that weird class appeared again. "Bonjour France," She said, and with a flick of a hand, the door opened. "Umm...Merci?"(Umm...Thank you?) I responded. "Vous êtes le bienvenu" (Your Welcome) She said, then she disappeared once again. I made sure to go inside as fast as possible. 

Then I found Uk's desk, hurried I went and placed the letter inside his desk. I let out a relieved sigh. 

A couple of hours passed, what did you think I did? I sat by the door since it was locked. How amazing. I laid against the cold metal doors and just sat there thinking of what would happen. Maybe we could run away together. That would be a good idea! but where would we live? Well, that doesn't matter! 

Another hour passed until school started. I must've looked pretty stupid sitting against metal doors. 

More hours have passed, then I was in class. I didn't even know why I was there. This time I was in Uk's class. I saw that he was looking in his desk, his expression turned a mixture of curiosity and hope. I hope he was hoping that person would be me. 

Guess what? I actually learned something, unlike other times, because I carried a book full of notes I took. Well, now that's happened I think I could skip to the next part. 

Everyone getting ready to have lunch when I met up with Uk. At first I spotted him outside, I thought if I really should go to him. I mean...screw it. I fast-walked, "F-France," He said, "Hello," I started a bit more confident this time. "You're the one who wanted to see me?" He asked clearly nervous. "Indeed," I said smiling. "So what did you want to talk about?" He asked, "I think you know why I wanted to see you..." I said. "Right," he started. "I really need this to be over," I explained. "Then what do you want us to do?" He asked. "Runaway?" I said, he raised a brow and I shrugged. "It's a suggestion," I said smiling. "I guess so," He agreed. "But where would we even live?" He asked. "That's a question of youth, all you need to know is we need to live how we want," I said smiling. "All you need to know is that I love you more than anything in the world, I would go anywhere with you, your love means more to me then my family!" I said begging him. He simply smiled, "Of course Princess,". My eyes sparkled and felt my heart bounce up and down. "But first, you need to Spain, but I'll be here waiting here for you Princess...because my heart belongs to you...and only you." He said smiling. I nodded and ran off. I'll never forget those words. 

"Spain! Has anyone seen Spain or Italy!" I shouted, "over there-" Russia pointed. I turned to them and issued them to gather there. "What is it France?" Mongolia asked. "So.." I started and sighed. "Me and Uk are deciding to run away, we want to free. I want to apologize to Spain and Italy for all the trouble I've caused by this marriage." I quickly spat out. They looked shocked and I guess they were trying to process this information. "O-okay," Russia said. "Will we ever see you again?" China asked. "Indeed you will," I smiled. "I mean it's not your fault, me and Italy were thinking about the same thing," Spain smiled. "So we're still friends right?" I asked. "Totally, yea" They agreed. "You tell no one about this," I said in a serious tone. "Of course,""yea""totally". "Thank you, now I've got to go," I smiled. As I waved goodbye to my friends, I ran towards the front big doors. 

"I'm ready," I said reaching for his hand. "Then let's go," He said looking at me. Then we headed off. 

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