Chapter 12

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{Present Time Uk's POV}

Over the year, I was getting distant and cold to my two only children. My father's influence was getting the better of me. I became homophobic, I resented my son have to have a boyfriend, and when I found out Aussie was pan, I hit him. I was a terrible father! I wanted to stop, but it was like watching from a screen. I couldn't control or do anything. I just watched as I made my children suffer. I said so many bad things but I couldn't do anything. 

I watched as I made Ame hurt his boyfriend, I watched as I hurt them. I couldn't do anything, I'd lost my love. The reason I had run away from everything. I couldn't believe it. Sometimes when I do have control, I would just go somewhere where my children can't find me. I'm not doing this to protect myself, I did it to just project my children. I really wanted to see France once again, I wondered if she had moved on. 

So this time when I had control, I wrote an apology letter to her. Wondering if she had moved on, wondering if I could visit or see my other children again. I mailed it and when I got home no one was there. I sighed and walked back to my room. Slowly sitting down, I looked up at the ceiling. It was getting closer to Christmas and I have no clue what to give to them. More importantly, if I ever do have control. Sometimes I think it's because I don't know what to do with my life. Well, if I really wanted this it stop, I need to take control and make the best Christmas they could have this year. 

Slowly I rose to my feet, I looked outside and the view was stunning. Tiny snowflakes fell on the window. Outside was covered in snow, I remembered this was going to be a white Christmas. Nada loved snow so much. I remembered he loved to play in them, the scary thing about it was that he wasn't even afraid of it. I always wondered how Canadians survived the crazy cold. I smiled at the memory. 

For hours I thought of what I should do. Then it hit me. I should apologize to the kids then take them to meet France! Then I could surprise her! After that hopefully, I could get back. I got up and walked downstairs. 

Once I was there, I screamed Aussie and Ame to come downstairs insanely loud. Just like when my father did. "What do you want Old man," Ame groaned as he lumped down. Aussie following from behind. I was smiling, so maybe that's why Ame looked mortified. "Who are you and what have you done with the old man?" He said pulling out a gun, I laughed and I was sure he was going to shoot me. "But I am Uk, I just wanted to tell you guys I'm sorry..." I said fading from a smile to a sad expression. "Y-your apologizing?" Aussie asked. "Yes, I'm sorry for all I've done, and I want to make it up to you by taking you to see France, Nada and Kiwi," I said smiling at them. "W-wait, we're going to see Nada?" Ame asked, "And Kiwi?" Aussie added. "yes." I said smiling. "THANK YOU!" The two yelled, "BUT" They added. I raised a brow, "We can't just forgive you might take some time," Ame said, and Aussie agreed. "Of course," I said nodding. Then the two jumped away. I smiled at the two. 

The next day we were packing to see France, I was checking on the two surely they weren't used to me so they'd flinch every time I got a bit too close. "So who's that?" I asked pointing to America's contact, it was labelled 'Emergency Contact'. Of course, he wouldn't label me. "Ruski," I said smirking. "Whos' that~ Your boyfriend?" I asked, my son of course turned entirely red and smacked my gently on the arm. "Shut up! he said crossing his arms. "Not until you introduce me to him," I added. "Fine..." He groaned. I got up and left the door until a question came up. "Who's top?" I winked. "OH MY GOD DAD!" Ame said throwing his pillow at me. "Ow- I was just trying to be nice," I said as the white pillow dropped on the wooden floor. He huffed and turned around. 

The next day the snow was falling and Ame was loading the trunk. "Are you sure that was everything?" I asked putting my hand on Aussie's shoulder, of course, he flinched and turned around and smacked me. "Oops-" He started. "Australia," I sighed. "All finished here!" Ame yelled, "ALRIGHT!" Aussie said jumping up and down. I slowly walked to the car, my footprints made small tracks and tiny little snowflakes dropped. The sky was white and not grey, it was not gloomy but instead a happy type of cloud. I smiled and got inside. "So we're heading to mothers!" Aussie exclaimed. "indeed we are Aussie," I said as I buckled up. 

"So here we are," I said getting out. The two lousy boys were running around before getting to the front door. Well, they had to push me there. "COME ON DAD!" Aussie was nice. "No...I'm gonna be like you and be lazy-" I said fake groaning, "Seriously!" Ame said dragging me now. 

At last, we've made it to the front door. I knocked on it and the person there was the same as I remembered. "CANADA!" Aussie and Ame shouted. 

Forbidden Love|Uk x France|Countryhumans|Part One|Where stories live. Discover now